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  1. P

    B5 Feature Film to be scriptedTRUE! There will be a feature film going into productio

    Can you remind me (or point me in the direction) of this one?
  2. P

    "Gathering" Different Versions

    OK German DVD arrived from Amazon.de today. Have not watched it all but I can confirm that it is the original TV pilot not the special edition. Happy me, now I have both versions on DVD and I can dump the old VHS recording from the TV. :thumbsup:
  3. P

    "Gathering" Different Versions

    I have the special edition on DVD and the original recorded from the TV broadcast but for completeness - am I mad - I have always wanted to get the original on DVD too. Well I will take my credit card in my hand and order one - I will post back here with the good (or bad) news
  4. P

    "Gathering" Different Versions

    How sure are you that the Amazon.de version is the original? The cover looks like the special edition (the later re-edit)
  5. P

    Problems with original Region 2 DVDs

    OK open the flood gates Warner Home Video 98 Theobald's Road London WC1X 8WB 020 7984 5000
  6. P

    Problems with original Region 2 DVDs

    OK I can confirm that the replacement disc 4 that I was sent does have the Psi badge in the introduction. thanks
  7. P

    Problems with original Region 2 DVDs

    Thanks The reason why I posted this query is that I found the letter again and rang up WB and they kindly sent me a new disc 4. Now I can check this out, I will report back. Incidently this time the replacement disc came in the slim plastic cover with printed paper inserted cover rather...
  8. P

    Problems with original Region 2 DVDs

    OK here's a weird one. If we cast our minds back to when Season 5 was just released in the uk..... There was an issue with disc 5 (if i remember correctly the intro scene was omitted from an episode - correct me if I am wrong - oh you know you want to) and I wrote to WBUK for a replacement...
  9. P

    B5 TLT - Sales and Future Production news?

    So kill me (or pull my hair hard) if this has already been covered, but could we have a stuck topic on any news on sales of TLT DVD and news on future productions only? I have none, but it would be useful to have a single place to check, from time to time, to see whether the response of the...
  10. P

    The Gathering -- Original Version

    Well you live and learn. Who would have guessed that WB UK would release two versions of a film with the same cover. Off to ebay to try and get a legit original version.
  11. P

    The Gathering -- Original Version

    Beg to differ, I have the UK DVD version, it is the "Special" edition.
  12. P

    The Gathering -- Original Version

    Hi there. I do not believe that the original has ever been officially released dvd or VHS. I guess WB could release both versions together in a collectors box at sometime in the future (say 20th aniversary). The "original" has been repeatedly transmitted in the UK. And so I guess it must be...