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  1. G

    First Ones Technology

    The point still stands though that if a stealth bomber with no pilot was found by a handful of people from Ancient Greece they would have no idea what to do with it. They couldn't integrate it with thier technology because they wouldnt have the first idea how to do so. Thats what Vorlon Tech...
  2. G

    First Ones Technology

    Yeah I know what you mean but I wanted something nuclear powered to make it more dramatic of an analogy. The Victory Class ships were actually what bother me the most. After the Vorlon's departure it didn't seem like it took Earth very long to master the ability to produce a Vorlon weapon...
  3. G

    First Ones Technology

    Okay, but let's look at the idea of a Volron-Minbari hybrid ship. Does it really make sense? Going back to the analogy of a Roman Tireme and Nuclear Aircraft Carrier, what would such a hybrid look like? The technology levels are so incapatible that it doesn't really make any sense. Now like...
  4. G

    First Ones Technology

    Hi. Well, put it this way, if the Roman empire existed today as a political entity, with only the technology it had during the height of its power, would it not be an easy target for the USA if we decided to attack it? We would only need a couple of bombers, or fighter planes...or even a...
  5. G

    First Ones Technology

    Very true. Humans were not depicted as destroying any Vorlon vessels. I will grant that, but it doesn't explain how some of the Thirdspace aliens, who almost defeated the Vorlons, were destroyed by younger races vessels. Let me ask you this: Without the Vorlons or other First Ones...
  6. G

    First Ones Technology

    Yes, thats a good point, I've thought of that too, but it doesn't quite satisfy me. Even if they were complacent, 1 million years is a long technological gap. Like I said, imagine a Roman army versus the modern day American army. There would be no contest. Thats a mere 2,000 years. Even if...
  7. G

    First Ones Technology

    Hi, Everyone. This is my first post here. First let me say I love Babylon 5, but there is one issue that bothers me. The First Ones are millions of years older than the younger races, but thier technology level doesn't seem to reflect that in the show. Let me put it this way, imagine a Roman...