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  1. Pakmaraatemycat

    The Illusion of Truth - Worst Episode?

    I quite like The Illusion of Truth, although it is probably the weakest episode of season 4. Infection and A View from the Gallery are definitely far worse episodes in my opinion. I would go as far as to say I think the first third or thereabouts, of S5 is the weakest part of the tale overall...
  2. Pakmaraatemycat

    B5:TLT - Show Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    Thanks for the replies guys. Those three trilogies in particular, sound interesting. I may well start trying to track them down once the current pile of books next to my bed gets a little lower! A nickel is about two and a half pence at today's prices, isn't it? Give me your Paypal details and...
  3. Pakmaraatemycat

    B5:TLT - Show Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    Yes. Makes sense now you point it out. It's just as he posed no apparent danger to anyone else whilst in the straight jacket, I didn't see the reason straight away. It would be a much more pleasant journey w/o nasty smells and illusions of fire. So are some of the books actually worth reading...
  4. Pakmaraatemycat

    B5:TLT - Show Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    Right, onto the second segment. This is far and away a much better piece of out and out entertainment than the first. However, it was less intellectually stimulating yet somehow opening far more questions about the galaxy our heroes live in. The first point is, that whilst it was a mildly...
  5. Pakmaraatemycat

    B5:TLT - Show Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    Hello everyone. I've been a B5 fan since it first aired and not so long back got the boxed set and re-watched it in it's entirety. I had forgotten how good it was! I'm now back up to the Earth civil war, having got my Dad hooked :D Anyway, I've now seen TLT1 a couple of times and so thought I...