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Search results

  1. Q

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: SPOILERS

    You didn't have to be immersed in HP fandom to figure it out. With how long the books already are taking even more time out to say, "for those of you who don't remember the climax of book two or weren't paying attention while reading earlier let me spell out what's happening for you" would turn...
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    Harry Potter / Order of the Phoenix

    I enjoyed it but probably need to see it again. I always spend too much of the first go through comparing the movie to the book. There was nothing off-putting for me this time like the weirdly upbeat ending of Goblet or leaving out the ten second explanation of the map from Prisoner. The only...
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    The Shield

    I just finished season five and can't wait for six to hit netflix. If you don't like the show after season five just stop because if that one doesn't do it for you nothing will.
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    Dark tower Movie(s)

    I don't know, this could be pretty bad. How many movies would they need? Would the most prevalent villain still be killed away from Roland and crew? Would Susannah still get the shaft? Would old man King still be able to translate the good in these books to the screen? Most of this is me...
  5. Q

    Finding where I left off

    Before the upgrade clicking on a thread automatically took me to the post made right after the last time I opened that thread. Now I have to guess which page I was last on and look through the posts trying to find something familiar. Is there any way to set up my profile so that opening a thread...
  6. Q

    Harry Potter Book 7 title

    He could still be "evil" and on the right side. They aren't mutually exclusive. Even if his actions in book 6 were ordered by Dumbledore I wouldn't call him good.
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    Harry Potter Book 7 title

    The may want to use the book to get people hyped for the movie. Summer has not been the best release date for Potter movies and they may be looking for a little shot in the arm to carry through the last two movies.
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    Star Trek XI .. after all?

    Joe Yes Voyager is the show which had the attention of those in charge. That's why it sucked. The idea being that DS9 got better without the "help" of those in charge.
  9. Q


    It's the "nobody like me" and the "people and my position are often mistaken for villians" whining that bothers me the most. At least don't piss on my shoes and tell me it's raining.
  10. Q


    I don't know if he killed him or just being involved in his business got him killed, either way his pretend sympathy isn't winning me over. I'm just to see Al get off the pot. If we had another season the side plots would be great but now I just want to get back to the main.
  11. Q


    I think Langrishe is good at reading people and influencing them. Giving back treatments, pyschosomatic or not, gives him time with Hearst to try and steer him out of town. Since they can't kill Hearst without destroying Deadwood they need to figure a way to get him to leave. That goes for both...
  12. Q

    Nightnares and Dreamscapes..

    Spoilers I'm still miffed about Susannah's end in the books. To me living with memory just on the fringe with people who aren't quite the people she loves seems like a far worse hell than having to repeat the quest until it's right or even death. Eddie would not be Eddie without a similar...
  13. Q


    I doubt he has history with Gustav, he just seems to treat people from outside his world differently. I thought the TWoP recap expressed that idea will. Al was just kinda aimlessly lost in thought, saw meeting w/ Gustav would make his day and let his gut make the decision to see him. If Al was...
  14. Q


    Two, he has to get into position with Hearst before fucking up and trying to run his scam or whatever he's trying to do. I still can't see Steve asking Bullock to help him find the board or Hostetler not at least saying "I will not take this from a Horse-fucker on his way to the shotgun.
  15. Q


    I've loved this season but a couple of things have bugged me. While I get how Alma's returning addiction work within the story I just wish they had another way to show her unable to deal with her situation. That being said it has given us some great scenes. Hostetler blowing his head off seemed...
  16. Q


    Dear god my fucking eye. Am I the only one not overly enthused about going through Alma the junkie again?
  17. Q

    Superman Returns (possible spoilers)

    Spoiler I think the biggest improvement was the flunkies were somewhat menacing. I wasn't waiting for any of them to be told to squeal like a pig. My biggest problem with the movie was him being to lift a continent into space made of kryptonite from underneath while standing on top of it left...
  18. Q

    X-Men 3: The Last Stand (possible spoilers)

    You were never going to get aliens or mystical jewels in a movie like this and frankly it would have been foolhardy to provide them. As someone who hasn't read any of the comics I would have thought less of the movie if the attempt was made. That being said I do think they put too much into...
  19. Q

    When should a newbie watch "In the Beginning"?

    Re: When should a newbie watch \"In the Beginning\"? Simply because if you don't watch it first you may not watch it at all. The first few episodes of season one are ok but the first time around they don't really give any sense of the grander story that is B5. It does no good to avoid a...