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  1. R

    Hell yes! 'Jodorowsky's Dune' documentary!

    I was thinking the kickstarter for the fellow who wanted to make it back in the day if he's still interested, maybe he'll have to come up with a couple of replacements but it might be possible. Can't know if we don't ask is there a way to contact Jodorowsky?
  2. R

    Hell yes! 'Jodorowsky's Dune' documentary!

    Why cant we kickstarter this?? Dune is great i'd love to see another version of it, my favorite is the scifi miniseries and story in the games which is only a small part of it. I'm not sure the visual effects would be popular this day and age but i'd still love to see it, and how many others...
  3. R

    Claudia Watches Babylon 5 for the First Time

    Yeah i follow her on facebook so i've been reading them, it is a bit disapointing she hadn't watched them until now i get it though working on a tv series is a huge thing it takes over your life in some cases and you just want to get away from it sometimes, most scifi actors haven't seen their...
  4. R

    Crusade Vs. Star Blazers

    I didn't like Talia much the only part i could stand was the funny bits when she interacted with the somewhat pervvy chief Micheal lol I can't say i really dislike the new captain in season 5 but because she isn't susan i just can't get behind her.
  5. R

    IF There Were Going To Be A Crusade Reboot, Who Would You Cast?

    Yes they certainly made changes like using franklin to fill a spot they should've cast to somebody else or left empty. The story would be a good re-starting point with all that content that is missing, the war went on for a while but we saw very little, but later people state they killed minbari...
  6. R

    IF There Were Going To Be A Crusade Reboot, Who Would You Cast?

    Yeah i get where he is coming from strong women are better, i don't wanna be whiped or anything but i don't like stories about pretty faces and no personality.
  7. R


    Yeah the mars robot guys controlled by telepaths did nothing for me, but the vorlons just peek my interest.
  8. R

    IF There Were Going To Be A Crusade Reboot, Who Would You Cast?

    "The Gathering" (only saw the tnt version) It was fairly slow but had a decent plot it looks dated now but the story still tracks fairly well. "In the Beginning" - Loved it, only thing they could've changed is having the actors not look like they did in season 2, so it could've been done at any...
  9. R


    Perhaps they did have suspicious points with deathwalker and in the gathering enough to peek interest but they felt somewhat under used to me, maybe i'm just more curious about them so i am left wanting lol
  10. R

    IF There Were Going To Be A Crusade Reboot, Who Would You Cast?

    Also Scott Bakula (sp) from Quantum leap he's getting on in age, and yet he jumped into Enterprise to be a captain because he really wanted to do it. But being Babylon 5 and not very active or overly popular i can't see anyone ready to jump into a leading role if they don't know how the show is...
  11. R

    Crusade Vs. Star Blazers

    Yeah from what i can *gather* (using character names because finding correct spelling would take me a while lol) Sinclar Lyta Taila Susan - seemed to have caused issues. But yeah even JMS said you know actors have their own opinions and objectives and lives and stuff just happens sometimes. I...
  12. R

    Babylon 5 Customs?

    I'd assuming scanning and that video was just to show the point of what happened as it being illegal figuring maybe it would've of made as much of a statement if it was done like morden does later.
  13. R

    WB considering upgrading B5 for Blu Ray

    That might be true but its hard to find people who don't end up dead in the storyline of Babylon 5. Who could be defeated but not killed? if they use a character already known. Bester might be a good character or point of view from the psycops? I'm not sure watching a bunch of people reading...
  14. R

    Crusade Vs. Star Blazers

    Yeah he seems honest, but i've heard him speak about the Clauia "mess" and some other actors and he's clearly holding back the truth in those cases. I haven't seen the mentioned series but from what you say if those are the only two things similar then i'd agree it can easily be a coincidence...
  15. R

    IF There Were Going To Be A Crusade Reboot, Who Would You Cast?

    To be fair to both points. Lots of older actors can do minor roles with fair ease on television and other, Shanter was doing Tv and he's super old lol But also Television is draining and being a main very focused on, having to do action scenes character would be rather taxing, He might just be...
  16. R


    Don't get me wrong its a GREAT costume i love it, But perhaps they thought they couldn't get away with him appearing more with out having him do more. I would've loved to see more kosh he was one of the more interesting characters in the first two seasons while the others backgrounds were still...
  17. R

    WB considering upgrading B5 for Blu Ray

    Well i wouldn't reboot if given a chance I'd continue the story in a different way i like the rest of the well thought out universe. I think as long as the time line of the story you make is effected by Babylon 5 its still good enough to have a story with those events, Plus there is plenty of...
  18. R

    IF There Were Going To Be A Crusade Reboot, Who Would You Cast?

    I just have a hard time seeing Karl being a captain he's a great actor but i don't know he just doesn't have the image i have in my mind lol
  19. R

    Crusade Vs. Star Blazers

    I think sometimes creators are completely honest about what effects their process and other times they might out of pride deny something then be stuck denying it forever. I'm not sure if it had any effect on the series if you think of the reasons to use the last space ship to cruse around and...
  20. R


    Yeah it does feel as though interactions with sherridan make him accepting of the task of laying his life down, Perhaps before he was following the plan where shadows and vorlons didn't directly attack each other but through proxy used other races. Which is why you know they have planet killers...