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  1. R

    My Opinion

    I pay $60 for digital cable with HBO, Showtime, TMC, IFC and Sundance. I ponied up starting last January for Oz and Six Feet Under on HBO, and for Queer as Folk and Stargate on Showtime. It was the same price to get just HBO and Showtime, or those two plus the indie channels and digital cable...
  2. R

    Latest on Jeremiah

    If showtimeonline.com won't let you connect to it directly, try using a public proxy like anonymizer.com's free service. The only drawback is that generally, if you view pages with it one day (or for that matter, if a lot of other people do) and come back the next, they'll be "for subscribers...
  3. R

    The theme!

    The best way to sum up Franke vs. Chen is that Franke is the Blade Runner soundtrack, and Chen is The Killing Fields. Listen to just the music from all four and I think you'll get my drift. As it happens, I liked the Killing Fields soundtrack much better I also like Crusade's music a lot...
  4. R

    News post: B5 series on DVD is go!

    Actually, there are standalone DVD players that display artifacts due to a poor MPEG decoder. The early Apexes and the old pay per view Divx players are two examples I've seen firsthand. With computers, there are so many variables that I just assume it's going to be pixelated and if not, so...
  5. R

    paramount stole it .........

    The two series both grew from the same seed of story. Neither series exactly resembles what Joe appears to have had in mind (captain goes back in time in the final episode to become the god associated with the alien legends about him) because both series were shot in the real world. But look...
  6. R


    I always found a kind of funny symmetry in that B5 and Lexx, opposite ends of the space opera spectrum, both produced four MOW's in the late 90's and in both cases, 1 and 4 were great and 2 and 3 kinda blew. ------------------
  7. R

    B5 Short Stories

    Turns out there were still a few copies out there on the web, not hidden at all, but finding them would be like that "14 words to make anyone fall in love with you" thing. Easy if you already know the words... ------------------
  8. R

    If you don't have a Nielsen box

    Re: If you don\'t have a Nielsen box I'd heard that digital cable and satellite receivers were going to automatically include anything you watch in the ratings figures, as they're reported back to the cable/satellite company, but I don't know whether it's happening yet. We've been a Nielsen...
  9. R

    Legend of the Rangers wishlist...

    Actually, one of the short stories from B5 Magazine <table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> sort of shows us "Vorlon minions". If I understood the plot summary of The Nautilus Coil correctly, we meet...
  10. R

    If Crusade came back, it would need...

    Based on where I *think* jms was taking the series, this is how the characters fall, most to least important: Gideon Galen Lochley Matheson Dureena Eilerson Chambers In my own preference it's Galen, Gideon, Dureena, everyone else, and then Lochley would be dead last, but if the underlying...
  11. R

    Techno-mages: questions and answers

    I think this ties in with part of my "Rangers wishlist" reply over on the other board. Specifically, <table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> we don't see them wearing chrysales in the Centauri trilogy, so...
  12. R

    B5 Short Stories

    Both B5 Magazine and Amazing Stories show up on ebay frequently, though right now none of the issues with B5 short stories seem to be out there. If you can attend a con with B5 guests, that may be your best bet right now. Some comic book stores may carry that stuff too. I'd also recommend...
  13. R

    crusade directors cut.

    It just occurred to me how side-splittingly hilarious the idea of a "writer's cut" would be to anyone who knows Hollywood. Sorry about any soaked keyboards or screens ------------------
  14. R

    Legend of the Rangers wishlist...

    I had completely forgotten about City of Sorrows; that and the Cavelos book were the only two standalone B5 novels that I think are worth anything, but it's been years since I read it. I should pull it out again now that B5 is kind of coming back to life a little. (The Cavelos one is kind of...
  15. R

    crusade directors cut.

    That would actually be "executive producer's cut" since I don't think Joe directed any episodes of Crusade. Unfortunately, most of TNT's interference seems to have taken place between the writing and the shooting, making a "writer's cut" (which I think is what you're really after) impossible...
  16. R

    Legend of the Rangers wishlist...

    The following concepts listed above have been explored in the trilogies and short stories: Aftermath of Centauri conflict and rise of Vir Cotto: <table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> Dealt with in...
  17. R

    scripts of crusade

    Actually, while legend has it that people sat there with word processors open transcribing what they read on Bookface, I tried a more automated approach just out of frustration at their Java applet's slow performance and tendency to crash my browser halfway through a story. I was able to...
  18. R

    Can Crusade or LotR ever equal B5?

    I think Crusade could actually have ended up a more compelling story than B5. Compare the 13 episodes we have to the first 13 regular episodes of B5 itself. It really wasn't clear how special B5 was going to be until ATSFOS, but I think Crusade became compelling only 3 or 4 episodes in...
  19. R

    News post: First B5LR digital trading card available

    I've downloaded it, but I run Linux. You can actually run the postcard program itself under Wine and it works fine (goofy little control panel and sound effects) until you try to play the video at which point it just exits. Weirdly enough the teeny tiny AVI video plays fine by itself using...
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    News post: Rangers trailer to hit the convention circuit

    I've never been to Arisia, but what I do remember was the ecstatic reports from my friends coming back each year about all the wonderful B&D parties they had attended. Never got the impression that the guests were the focus at that one. ------------------