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  1. D

    Swearing in TV

    As for "shit" becoming more and more prevalent on TV, we in the US cn look no farther than the FX Network. A few yers ago, it was just another cable network, but their original programming (The Shield, Lucky, Nip/Tuck) with breasts, revealing sex scenes, and the prodigious use of "shit" has put...
  2. D

    Is this the end?

    I was just checking SciFi's schedulebot, and I found NO MORE B5 through February; it has been replaced by MORE X-Files re-runs. Is this the end?
  3. D

    What happened to B5 on Sci-Fi??

    I was just checking on schedulebot for when B5 picks up again after the 22nd, and IT DOESN'T. There seems to be some discussion on the Sci-Fi BBoards as to whether it is the end, but has there been any (official) word from Sci-Fi regarding continuing re-runs, especially with the DVDs selling well?
  4. D

    Hugh Fleming B5 Poster on eBay

    I've already got mine framed on my wall, but I thought you guys might want one of your own. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=724567808 It's cheap, only AU $6.00, and they have 96 copies of it. Just wondering, what is your favorite B5 poster? This one is by far my favorite.
  5. D

    Lyta's fate (possible spoilers B5 movie & Crusade)

    Re: Lyta\'s fate (possible spoilers B5 movie & Crus Sounds like a cool idea, but I think that the third Psi-corps book, "Final Reckoning" says something about how Bester killed her as when she was setting a trap for him. I'm not quite sure about this, so maybe someone can back me up here...
  6. D

    Who would you have liked to have seen more of?

    I don't think anyone has said this yet, but I would have liked to see more of Mr. Morden. Maybe what he does in his free time, in between starting wars and manipulating Centauri ambassadors, that is. I thought that Ed Wasser did an excellent job of being the evil Shadow agent, and would have...
  7. D

    Quotes from Season 5

    Yah. Thanks Kribu ------------------ Religion is the opiate of the masses. -Marx
  8. D

    Quotes from Season 5

    OK, it's not from S5, but the one when G'kar is addressing the League of Non-Alligned Worlds after the Centauri win the war. The one about holding a population captive against its will. Anyone got the exact line for that? I'm currently writing a paper on revolts against European Imperialism...
  9. D

    Whatever Happened to Mr.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Who is Kevin Vacit... and what does he want? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> spoiler for Psi-Corps Trilogy <table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> He was...
  10. D

    HAND Spoilers

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Actually hints of them may even be in the original B5 series. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> REALLY??? You've piqued (weird word, but I think that's the correct usage) my interest. Where were the hints? ------------------ Religion is the...
  11. D

    The Telepath War...

    good answer! ------------------ Religion is the opiate of the masses. -Marx
  12. D

    The Telepath War...

    Breen-your ideas are plausible, but try this: what if it was started by normals/mundanes? Maybe the Psi-Corps was prepearing to move, but someone like Edgars hit first? Just a thought. I have *no* idea what it's about, and isn't that the point? If we had all the answers, then the human race...
  13. D

    News post: B5 series on DVD is go!

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> If your DVD looks bad on your computer, Blame Micro$oft and their incredibly bloated OS that consumes 95% of the computer's resources just getting the icons drawn on the main screen. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> WINBLOWS???? C'mon! I...
  14. D

    Human colonies...

    A thought: maybe the reference was to EA members, not colonies. If so, then the various countries of Earth (Russian Consortium, etc) might be included in the count. Hmm, while we're on the topic, anyone know how that works? Does the Russian Consortium get the same voice in the Senate as say...
  15. D

    Human colonies...

    Ummm, I don't know any of the systems outside of Sol, but here goes on the colonies. Does this include Earth? Probably not, but what the hell? *ahem* Earth, Mars, Proxima 3 (maybe others in the Proxima system?), Beta Durani, Io, Luna, Ganymede, ummm, and there are others mentioned in the...
  16. D

    From one to one hundred - how do you rate the movie?

    I'd give it a... (dramatic pause) 70. I liked the Liandra, but the weapons system seemed kinda, no, forget kinda, VERY corny. I like the idea, but the impementation (Sarah going crazy and screaming as she lashed her limbs in all directions), for lack of a better term, sucked. Also, the acting...
  17. D

    The changing time and season

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> That means that I miss B5 three days a week because of school!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Then tape it. That's what I do. 2 Weeks out of every month I have to stay late in school to work on the newspaper. As to the cable, well, we...
  18. D

    News post: B5 series on DVD is go!

    I guess it's time to but a DVD player... ------------------ Religion is the opiate of the masses. -Marx
  19. D

    The changing time and season

    Thanks Recoil. I was worried there for a minute. I seem to remember that the B5 site had been updated to include the new 5PM time, though. ------------------ Religion is the opiate of the masses. -Marx
  20. D

    The changing time and season

    I was just on Sci-Fi Channel's B5 page and it said that next week B5 is on at 7PM eastern on tues-fri. Also, it said the espisodes from tuesday to friday will be, respectively, Mind War, War Prayer, And the Sky Full of Stars, and Deathwalker. WTF!?!? Maybe I've been trapped in a fold in the...