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  1. J

    Jeremiah Review

    Another positive review from the Houston Chronicle: March 2, 2002, 12:24AM 'Jeremiah' looks like a possible hit By ANN HODGES Copyright 2002 Houston Chronicle TV Critic In Jeremiah, Showtime goes sci-fi, and for stars Luke Perry and Malcolm-Jamal Warner, it's light years away from Beverly...
  2. J

    Jeremiah Episode Titles (Spoilers ahead, folks)

    Not very current, Dr. RingDIng.......you must not be getting the full scoop since after Mother theres Ring of Truth Things Left Unsaid 1 Things Left Unsaid 2 Your behind the times! jackarr ------------------ jackarr
  3. J

    Latest on Jeremiah

    Hey, Dr RingDing, we have something in common, we both work for people who work for the show.....difference is I have the TWO PARTER SEASON FINALE! Howzabout you? Will trade you for one of the cuts. jackarr ------------------ jackarr