Just like so many has done before me I would also like to thank The Cast for both their job with LotR and for them friendly chatting away with us here at the board. /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif You have all done a great job and were worth something better than getting the show cancelled like this. /ubbthreads/images/icons/mad.gif
I just wonder if any of you are still out there and would like to give a comment? If you can? I don’t know, there might be some legal business involved. But otherwise I think many of us would truly appreciate to hear a word from you.
Thanks everyone!
I just wonder if any of you are still out there and would like to give a comment? If you can? I don’t know, there might be some legal business involved. But otherwise I think many of us would truly appreciate to hear a word from you.
Thanks everyone!