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B5:LOTR was very disappointing



I am a big SciFi fan and am a big fan of B5. I was therefore very disappointed with the recent LOTR. My specific issues:
- Too many utterances of 'We live for the one we die for the one'. I think it was said several times in the first 5 minutes alone. Barf.
- The plot. Would have been nice if there had been something original. Instead it was basically replacing the Shadows with something else. "Young maverick gets his own ship after defying authority figures" gee thats orginal - NOT!!!
- What the heck was that gunnery system?? My wife and I were howling with laughter at how silly it looked.

Very disappointing, especially since it was written by the Man himself, JMS. I was expecting much more. He set high standards with B5, I hope he regains his form as the show progresses.
What you fail to recognise is that the 'show' won't progress, If you bad mouth it like that.
It wasn't laughable IMO and many others.

Don't speak your true opinon of it, keep praising it until we have a show then Speak ur mind. OK?

-some must be sacrificed for all to be saved-
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>The plot. Would have been nice if there had been something original. Instead it was basically replacing the Shadows with something else.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The plot. The plot is all I care about, for everything else can be changed. After not watching the movie (no SciFi Channel available) but reading a hell of a dose of spoilers... I can say that the plot puzzles me. It has possibilities which I can't guess, hints of which I beleive I have a few figured out... but no more. In my humble opinion there is nothing wrong with the plot.

You may have forgotten that "The Gathering" was simply a rather simple mystery. Encounter-suited ambassador almost gets murdered, station commander is framed. Such is the fate of most pilots, and in this regard "Starlight" has done well.

Surely "A Call To Arms" was better, but remember that ACtA was made right after Babylon 5 had ended. Everything was still running, the actors knew their roles, the CGI mages had worked for years, the story arc was fully developed.

[This message has been edited by Lennier (edited January 23, 2002).]

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