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BabCon XIII on November 8th

Just wanted to let you know that there is a Babylon 5 club in Gothenburg, Sweden.
We go by the modest name of Interstellar Alliance :D and arrange about two BabCons every year.
The next time we're focusing on space battles!
The event will be on November 8th, 2003, in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Our homepage is at Interstellar Alliance. Mostly in Swedish, I'm afraid.
Entrance fee is SEK 100 and membership is mandatory; also SEK 100 and can be paid at the door.
Much welcomings!
As a finnish person, this sounds fairly interesting... My only problem is, that I can't talk fluently in swedish... :(
Don't worry, all the shows will be in English! :)

No, seriously, if you just can make yourself understood in English, you will have no problems communicating with us.
And if there is something from the homepage you want to ask about, just send me or anyone in the club an e-mail. All addresses can be found in (on? at?) the homepage under the "I.A." heading.

Anyway, it's good to here from you and I really hope that you'll be able to make it to Göteborg in November.


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