Last night in the UK Mastermind (a normally difficult quiz show on specialist subjects) featured a celebrity who asked questions about Babylon 5.
If you have access and are interested be sure to check it out on iPlayer.
I can try and get the questions if anyone else wants to hear what questions were posed.
Wow! I had no idea this was on. Very cool. Just checked it out on iPlayer, I'm not familiar with the celebrity, they are a comedian apparently, but they got 7 out of 8 questions correct. I was impressed with the presenter pronouncing everything correctly! (and if you're wondering, I got all 8 questions right ;-) )
They had one-and-a-half minutes to answer as many questions as possible. The questions were:
1. In the 1998 television film 'In The Beginning', the Earth ship Prometheus, provokes a long and bloody war when its captain opens fire on what alien species?
2. In 'A Voice in the Wilderness' Babylon 5 picks up seismic disturbances coming from inside what planet, which the station is orbiting?
3. In 'Point of no Return' which actress is credited as a special guest star for her role as the prophetess Lady Morella, the third wife of the Emperor Turhan?
4. In the episode 'In the Shadow of Z'Ha'Dum', Pierce Macabee from the Earth government's Ministry of Peace sets up what organisation named, he says, after the brave citizens who stood vigil in the darkness?
5. In 'Midnight on the Firing Line', Commander Jeffrey Sinclair tells Susan Ivanova that his family have been fighter pilots all the way back to which battle of the Second World War?
6. Which multi-award winning American science fiction writer is credited as conceptual consultant on Babylon 5?
7. In 'The Summoning', the despotic Emperor Cartagia of Centauri Prime complains to his ambassador, Londo Mollari that torturers now refer to themselves as what two-word job description?
8. While attempting to defend the Mars colonists from the Earth Alliance, Babylon 5's Chief of Security Michael Garibaldi uses the name of which character from Snow White as a codename?
The contestant got question 7 wrong and got question 8 right but it was a complete guess.