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Can we please get Scorpius off the front page ? ``

Isn't it about time the homepage was updated? There has been plenty of B5-related news recently - Season 5 DVD specs, jms's announcements on the new B5 project, Jerry Doyle's new radio show, I've Found Her game release, etc.
Well do either of your want to volunteer the time to update the site on a regular basis?

It's not done by magic.
If I had any web-page construction knowledge, I would be happy to volunteer. I have plenty of spare time at the weekends and it would be a pleasure to update the news section.

Unfortunately, what I know about constructing web pages could fit on the back of a postage stamp.
If I had any web-page construction knowledge, I would be happy to volunteer. I have plenty of spare time at the weekends and it would be a pleasure to update the news section.

Unfortunately, what I know about constructing web pages could fit on the back of a postage stamp.

Hi Bester,

I've got a whole admin system going... which means less and less has to be done manually. The main prequisite is the ability to be able to write. :)

But I would certainly like help, so if you're serious about it maybe we can talk futher via PM.

The trouble is, time wise, I get these big back logs. Then the site goes nowhere. I've wanted help for ages... and if one or more people can keep the news generally up to date, it hopefully leaves me free to do articles and bigger news stories.

I just moved and am kinda busy setting up things...if the "offer" stays open I may very well discuss helping a bit here !

Great site by the way :D
Re: Can we please get Scorpius off the front page

Does a simple typo really confuse you so? :p

OH dear god not this again. Im serious, not this again. Next person to discussing the spelling of the name is gonna wind up shot. Please. I just cant take it.

*Bursts into tears*
Re: Can we please get Scorpius off the front page

First confusion....now tears? I didn't know a typo could cause such mayhem!
Re: Can we please get Scorpius off the front page

I could obliterate the poor lad in one short morning. :eek:
Re: Can we please get Scorpius off the front page

I'm here to confirm what Hypatia just said. :D

*hands Kaleb a box of tissues*

You'll need this, laddie.
Re: Can we please get Scorpius off the front page

It seemed silly to start a new thread just for this, so I'm hijacking this one. :)

I finally read all of Antony's latest post on the main page. I must confess, I'm very interested in what you say near the very end of it, Antony:

A few other things will hopefully be happening, including more competitions and more to keep you amused. Oh, and did we mention, an interview with a B5 cast member and a message from Claudia Christian? Stay tuned!

:D Now that sounds very cool, indeed, Antony. :cool: :)
Re: Can we please get Scorpius off the front page

The message from Claudia may be a bit of an overexageration though, nothing much. But the interview of a B5 cast member is true. :)
Re: Can we please get Scorpius off the front page

Fair enough. :cool:

Now, are you going to be like JMS and just tease us now? :rolleyes:

WHEN? :confused: