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Cannon Ordering, short story help

I finally own all cannon B5 materials (except the three JMS short stories) and have given them a "viewing" order. If anyone has any suggestions whee to put the stories, or if you think I'm wrong about something...

The Gathering (Pilot)
Season 1 (as aired)
Seaosn 2 (as aired)
The Price of Peace (comics)
Season 3 (as aired)
Season 4 (THoTW - The Illusion of Truth)
Thirdspace (movie of the week)
Season 4 (Atonement - TDoFS)
In the Beginning (movie of the week)
Season 5(No Compromises - Secrets of the Soul. In the Kingdom of the Blind - The Ragged Edge. Day of the Dead. The Corps is... - Sleeping in Light)
The Shadow Within (book)
River of Souls(movie of the week)
In Valen's Name(comics)
The Passing of the Technomages(books)
A Call to Arms(movie of the week)
Crusade(Racing the Night, The Needs of Earth, The Memory of War, The Long Road, Visitors From Down The Street, The Well of Forever, Ruling From the Tomb, Patterns of the Soul, Each Night I Dream of Home, The Path of Sorrows, The Rules of the Game. Special features: the what if adventure Apperances and Other Deciets. turner fanfic War Zone)
Psi Corps Trilogy(books)
To Dream in the City of Sorrows(book)
Legions of Fire(books)

This isn't a chronological ordering, but rather a good order for someone to take them in... in.
Personally I'd put "Legacies" after "Babylon Squared" in S1, because that way Delenn doesn't use the Triluminary before she gets it, but it's a very minor nitpick.
Re: Cannon Ordering, short story help (LotR)

I've actually never been able to see or find Legend of The Rangers (pity).

Where would that go?
Re: Canon Ordering, short story help (B5:LotR)

I've actually never been able to see or find Legend of The Rangers (pity).

Where would that go?

Not a pity, and I can think of a few places (e.g. the circular file, bonfire, on the target range, etc.) :devil:
Re: Cannon Ordering, short story help (LotR)

I've actually never been able to see or find Legend of The Rangers (pity).

Where would that go?

As I recall, the Rangers movie took place a few years after the formation of the Interstellar Alliance, sometime around 2265.

And unlike KoshN, I liked Rangers a lot.

Re: Canon Ordering, short story help (B5:LotR)

I've actually never been able to see or find Legend of The Rangers (pity).

Where would that go?

As I recall, the Rangers movie took place a few years after the formation of the Interstellar Alliance, sometime around 2265.

No, the Rangers movie never happened. ;) ...just like Star Trek V, Star Wars Episodes I & II, Highlander II (theatrical cut, not the "Renegade" version), Star Trek Voyager, etc.

And unlike KoshN, I liked Rangers a lot.


<shudder> It's the only B5 universe episode/movie that I will not buy. Hell, it caused me to appreciate The River of Souls.

Actually, if the Rangers series had happened, it would have been:

Season 1: 2265
Season 2: 2266

...and led right into the A Call to Arms (December 2266-January 2267) and Crusade (2267-2271) storyline. So, "To Live and Die in Starlight" probably took place ~December 2264~January 2265.
Re: Canon Ordering, short story help (B5:LotR)

Don't forget Episode III... or do, I guess I mean.

I've heard that Episode III almost makes up for Episode I, and since I haven't seen Episode III, I left it out.
Re: Canon Ordering, short story help (B5:LotR)

I know this isn't a SW forum, but EpIII ruined Star Wars. Far from making up for the other prequels, it made them look good in comparison.

I will never be able to watch any star Wars again. I'm selling all my toys.
Re: Canon Ordering, short story help (B5:LotR)

I know this isn't a SW forum, but EpIII ruined Star Wars. Far from making up for the other prequels, it made them look good in comparison.

I will never be able to watch any star Wars again. I'm selling all my toys.

You're the first I've heard say that. Hmmm. And to think I was on the verge of changing my mind about it and going to see it in the theaters. Maybe I'll wait 'till it's out on DVD, and then will rent it. ;) I wouldn't take Episodes I & II on DVD if somebody gave 'em to me. :p Like I said, "They...never...happened."
Re: Canon Ordering, short story help (B5:LotR)

I liked Episode II personally. Perhaps it helped that I avoided trailers and other "spoilers" before seeing them?

P.S: There's a perfectly fine Revenge of the Sith thread in the Non-B5 books, TV & films forum:
'Revenge of the Sith' reviews (Spoilers) ;)
Re: Canon Ordering, short story help (B5:LotR)

I finally own all cannon B5 materials (except the three JMS short stories) and have given them a "viewing" order. If anyone has any suggestions whee to put the stories, or if you think I'm wrong about something...

Not strictly chronological, but the way I'd do it:

Babylon 5 Book #7 - The Shadow Within (11/2256 - 01/2257)

MOW - PILOT - The Gathering (1/2257)

<u>SEASON ONE ("Signs and Portents") - 2258</u>
Midnight on the Firing Line
Soul Hunter
Born to the Purple
The Parliament of Dreams

Dark Genesis - The Birth of the Psi Corps (2115-2189)
Deadly Relations - Bester Ascendant (2189-2258)

Mind War
The War Prayer
And The Sky Full Of Stars
By Any Means Necessary
Signs and Portents
A Voice in the Wilderness - Part 1
A Voice in the Wilderness - Part 2
Babylon Squared
The Quality of Mercy

The Price of Peace (comics)

<u>SEASON TWO ("The Coming Of Shadows") - 2259</u>
Points of Departure
The Geometry of Shadows
A Distant Star
The Long Dark
A Spider in the Web
A Race Through Dark Places
Soul Mates
The Coming of Shadows
All Alone in the Night
Acts of Sacrifice
Hunter, Prey
There All the Honor Lies
And Now For a Word
In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum
Confessions and Lamentations
Divided Loyalties
The Long, Twilight Struggle
Comes the Inquisitor
The Fall of Night

<u>SEASON THREE ("Point of No Return") - 2260</u>
Matters of Honor

Shadows Past & Present (comics)

A Day in the Strife
Passing Through Gethsemane
Voices of Authority
(this was originally meant to air before "Passing Through Gethsemane," but since the events of this episode tie into the beginning of "Dust to Dust," and aren't mentioned at all in "Gethsemane," the initial airing order is actually an improvement)

Dust to Dust
Messages from Earth
Point of No Return
Severed Dreams
Ceremonies of Light and Dark
A Late Delivery From Avalon
Sic Transit Vir
Ship of Tears
Interludes and Examinations
War Without End, Part One
War Without End, Part Two

In Valen's Name (comics)

Grey 17 Is Missing

Babylon 5 Book #9 - To Dream in the City of Sorrows (Marcus in 10/2260, recalling events of 1/2259-9/2260)

And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place
Shadow Dancing

<u>SEASON FOUR ("No Surrender, No Retreat") - 2261</u>

The Hour of the Wolf
Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?
The Summoning
Falling Toward Apotheosis
The Long Night
Into the Fire
The Illusion of Truth

MOW - Thirdspace

Racing Mars
Lines of Communication
Conflicts of Interest
Rumors, Bargains and Lies
Moments of Transition
No Surrender, No Retreat
The Exercise of Vital Powers
The Face of the Enemy
Intersections in Real Time
Between the Darkness and the Light
Rising Star

Short Story: Hidden Agendas
Author: Straczynski, J. M.
Timeframe: 2262
Ss_pub_in: Babylon 5/Crusade Magazine
Ss_issue: May 2000, Number 22
Ss_commnts: The Ivanova/Warlock Destroyer/Ulkesh's Vorlon
Transport/Sheridan/Lyta Story

The Deconstruction of Falling Stars

<u>SEASON FIVE - Wheel of Fire - 2262</u>
No Compromises
The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari
The Paragon of Animals
A View from the Gallery
Learning Curve
Strange Relations
Secrets of the Soul
In the Kingdom of the Blind
A Tragedy of Telepaths
Phoenix Rising
The Ragged Edge
Day of the Dead
The Corps is Mother, The Corps is Father
Meditations on the Abyss
Darkness Ascending
And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder
Movements of Fire and Shadow
The Fall of Centauri Prime
Wheel of Fire
Objects in Motion
Objects at Rest

Short Story: The Shadow of His Thoughts
Author: Straczynski, J. M.
Timeframe: 10/2262
Ss_pub_in: Amazing Stories
Ss_issue: Summer 1999, Number 597
Ss_commnts: The Londo Story

Legions of Fire - Book I - The Long Night of Centauri Prime (2262-2266)
Legions of Fire - Book II - Armies of Light and Dark (2266-2273)
Legions of Fire - Book III - Out of the Darkness (2274-2278)

Short Story: Genius Loci
Author: Straczynski, J. M.
Timeframe: 01/2263
Ss_pub_in: Amazing Stories
Ss_issue: Winter 2000, Number 599
Ss_commnts: The Lyta / G'Kar Story

MOW - River of Souls (2263)

Short Story: The Nautilus Coil
Author: Keyes, J. Gregory
Timeframe: 2263, or maybe even sometime in 2264
Ss_pub_in: Babylon 5/Crusade Magazine
Ss_issue: August 2000, Number 24
Ss_commnts: The Garibaldi/Lyta/Psi Corp/Vorlon story. Connects with "Dark Genesis - The Birth of the Psi Corps"

The Legend of the Rangers [pilot movie in 1/2265, and series 2265 thru 2269].

MOW - A Call to Arms [12/2266 thru 1/2267]

<u>SEASON 1 - Crusade [1/2267 - 12/2271 was planned]</u>
War Zone
Racing the Night
The Needs of Earth
The Memory of War
The Long Road
Visitors from Down the Street
The Well of Forever
Each Night I Dream of Home
Patterns of the Soul
The Path of Sorrows
Ruling from the Tomb
The Rules of the Game
Appearances and Other Deceits

The Passing of the Techno-Mages - Book I - Casting Shadows (11/2258-12/31/2258)
The Passing of the Techno-Mages - Book II - Summoning Light (1/2259-2/2259)
The Passing of the Techno-Mages - Book III - Invoking Darkness (8/2260-2261)

Short Story: True Seeker
Author: Avery, Fiona
Timeframe: late 2269
Ss_pub_in: Babylon 5/Crusade Magazine
Ss_issue: July 2000, Number 23
Ss_commnts: The Narn Story (carries on from episode 17 "Legacies"
http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/guide/017.html )

MOW - In the Beginning (The present tense of Londo as narrator is that of Londo releasing Sheridan and Delenn, and Londo & G'Kar choking each other at the end, and this has to happen between Crusade and "Sleeping in Light.." "In the Beginning" was told ~2278.)

Sleeping in Light [2281].

Final Reckoning - The Fate of Bester (2271-2281)

Short Story: Space, Time, and the Incurable Romantic
Author: Straczynski, J. M.
Timeframe: 2560-2592
Ss_pub_in: Amazing Stories
Ss_issue: Summer 2000, Number 602
Ss_commnts: The Marcus / Ivanova Story

****************The Trilogies (together)************************
Dark Genesis - The Birth of the Psi Corps (2115-2189)
Deadly Relations - Bester Ascendant (2189-2258)
Final Reckoning - The Fate of Bester (2271-2281)

Legions of Fire - Book I - The Long Night of Centauri Prime (2262-2266)
Legions of Fire - Book II - Armies of Light and Dark (2266-2273)
Legions of Fire - Book III - Out of the Darkness (2274-2278)

The Passing of the Techno-Mages - Book I - Casting Shadows (11/2258-12/31/2258)
The Passing of the Techno-Mages - Book II - Summoning Light (1/2259-2/2259)
The Passing of the Techno-Mages - Book III - Invoking Darkness (8/2260-2261)
Re: Canon Ordering, short story help (B5:LotR)

You don't think it'll ruin stuff to take in, for instance, the technomage books during the second season?
Re: Canon Ordering, short story help (B5:LotR)

That's one problem with putting everything into Chronological Order. Things that are shown later, but happened earlier reveal mysteries that come later in the timeline, but earlier in the airing/publication.
Re: Canon Ordering, short story help (B5:LotR)

You don't think it'll ruin stuff to take in, for instance, the technomage books during the second season?

As opposed to after Crusade, yeah you may be right. Having seen and read all of B5 and Crusade, it's hard to put myself in the shoes of a newbie. <shrug> It's kind of like "When do you watch In the Beginning? Answer: You watch it when Londo started narrarating it (2278, in story time).

So, I'll move the Technomage novels to after Crusade, since they reveal stull that would have been revealed in Crusade, had it gone on.
Re: Canon Ordering, short story help (B5:LotR)

That's one problem with putting everything into Chronological Order. Things that are shown later, but happened earlier reveal mysteries that come later in the timeline, but earlier in the airing/publication.


Things that are shown later, but happened earlier reveal mysteries that come earlier in the timeline...

11/2258-2261 in story time & 10/1994-10/1997 in real time

... but later in the airing/publication.

post-Crusade: 2267-2271 in story time, post 9/1999 in real time. The Technomage books were published March, July and December 2001.
Re: Canon Ordering, short story help (B5:LotR)

I changed my mind. I wanna put "In Valen's Name" After The Deconstruction of Falling Stars. And then after that and before In The Beginning I want to put "The Shadow Within."

So that segment would now look like this:

Season 4 (Atonement - TDoFS)
In Valen's Name (comics)
The Shadow Within (book)
In the Beginning (movie of the week)

This will give a sort of epilogue feeling to season five, so that you will be pleasantly surprised with the amount of plot instead dissapointed at the lack of action.

eh? eh?
Re: Canon Ordering, short story help

Oh and about the Technomage trilogy foing after Crusade, I would agree, if there were really a Crusade. I like to think of Crusade as a little.. I don't know... special feature or something, that fills the gaps between the three Book Trilogys. I think that the TM tril. is the one I'd want ot put before Crusade. A lot of the stuff that happen's to Galen will have deeper impact if you see it in the book first. It doesn't go all the way to the Plague (like the other two tril.), so it fits perfectly.

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