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Does anyone know the numbers

I dont think anyone really knows. I havent seen any Numbers for any of the shows. We just know JMS said the ratings were pretty good but he wanted them higher for the last 3 to ensure a 2nd season

None have been released.

And, as noted by SavantB5, who works the business, numbers aren't everything; you also need buzz. There isn't much of that... unfortunately.
I know them.

Here are the Nielsen households viewing estimates for recent episodes:

6/28: 707 thousand
7/5: 550 thousand
7/12: 417 thousand

I believe JMS wrote his note mobilizing fans to watch on 7/2.
They just say, so far, that you won't necessarily be able to use a season-end ratings bump as a sales tool to convince Showtime to renew the show. Of course, there's one more episode to go.
Why the hell do shows like Jeremiah not attract any viewers whereas crap like Big Brother, The Ozbournes etc attracts millions?

If Jeremiah gets chanceled, I'm not going to blame Showtime. I'm going to blame the general stupidity of society. But Showtime has in past already shown that they don't base their decisions solely on ratings. So I still have hope.
ChiLlBerserker wrote: "Why the hell do shows like Jeremiah not attract any viewers whereas crap like Big Brother, The Ozbournes etc attracts millions?"

I have nothing to back this up with but suspect it was 10:45 PM EDT time and the fact that when Stargate SG-1 (10 PM EDT) finished and moved to Scifi Channel it took a lot of viewers with it. Then, because Farscape followed SG-1 on Scifi, a lot of viewers stayed on to watch it instead of switching back to watch Odyssey 5 (that filled the former SG-1 slot) and Jeremiah at 10:45 PM EDT. There also has been a lack of "buzz" about Jeremiah in the media and this also has hurt.
Yeah, 10:45PM Friday does not help, especially when you lose your lead-in show. More important, once Stargate SG1 left Showtime, I personally know several people dropped their premium cable package -- so they couldn't watch Jeremiah if they wanted to! Their thinking? Without Stargate, there's no need for premium cable until the Sopranos start again...
Mondo Londo wrote: "Yeah, 10:45PM Friday does not help, especially when you lose your lead-in show. More important, once Stargate SG1 left Showtime, I personally know several people dropped their premium cable package -- so they couldn't watch Jeremiah if they wanted to!"

True, and I came close to being one of those who left Showtime when SG-1 ended its original run but stayed on to finish Jeremiah and to see how I liked Odyssey 5. (Which I do.)

And, BTW, Stargate SG-1, Season Six, is pulling in good numbers for Scifi -- a 1.66 season average so far or about 1,326,000 households. (1.66% of 78 million households that have the Scifi Channel.)
This is going off on a bit of a tangent, but does anyone know what the projected cost of a B5LR episode woud have been relative to the cost of a Stargate episode?

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