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Excerpts from Jeanne Cavelos' Newsletter


Excerpts from Jeanne Cavelos\' Newsletter

Normally I would post this in the "General" forum but since Antony posted his news item about Jeanne's newest book in this forum, I figured I might as well do the same.

I have removed the descriptions of the techno-mage books #2 and #3 simply because I am sure most of you are aware of them. Hope I am not sharing too much and some of this is probably old news to some of you. Finally, this post will be long so I apologize in advance.

PS: I thought the story about her iguana was hilarious!

Issue 2--November 2001

Happy Thanksgiving! You're receiving this newsletter either because you're a friend or because you've expressed interest in my books, which include several BABYLON 5 novels, THE SCIENCE OF THE X-FILES, and THE SCIENCE OF STAR WARS. I send out around 1-4 newsletters per year, updating people on my activities and publications. If you'd like to be removed from this mailing list, or if you change your e-mail address, please drop me a note at [see her web site].



I've been tiptoeing around for almost three years now, not wanting to give away anything that's going to happen in the trilogy. It's been so hard to keep my mouth shut! Now that Book 3 is coming out at last, I can finally discuss the books in a completely open way, and not hold anything back. Here's a special offer for newsletter recipients. If you have a question about the trilogy (or about anything) that you'd like to ask me, send it in, and I'll answer as many questions as I can in the next issue.



I'll be doing a fair amount of publicity for INVOKING DARKNESS throughout the winter. Most of my personal appearances will be in the Northeast, though I sometimes venture into other regions. You might also catch me on the radio, or in an Internet chat. I have a new page on my website devoted exclusively to my appearances, and it is regularly updated:


If you'd like to know my thoughts on the writing of the trilogy, and my advice on writing in general, take a look at these

Transcript of chat at About.com on the publication of SUMMONING LIGHT

An interview about the techno-mage trilogy and writing in general http://www.strangehorizons.com/2001/20010611/cavelos.shtml




Del Rey has announced that they will be reissuing my first BABYLON 5 novel, THE SHADOW WITHIN, in December 2002 with a new cover. This book, which has been out of print for about a year, serves as a sort of prequel to THE PASSING OF THE TECHNO-MAGES trilogy.



If you'd like autographed copies of any of my books, for holiday gifts or for yourself, drop me an e-mail and we can make arrangements.



My 12-pound, 4 1/2-foot-long iguana declared mating season open on August 22, and since then he's been tireless in his efforts to conquer all competition and have sex with me. Every day he goes through the house, finding male iguanas in every reflective surface. With a smart snap he extends the dewlap beneath his chin and bobs his head vigorously, informing the competition that he's the man. When repeated head bobs aren't enough to teach them who's the boss, he charges head-first into the impudent upstarts. Since he sometimes gets a good running start--or leap--these collisions can be significant. He's got a really bad raw spot on his chin from his many battles, and he also pulled a muscle in his leg in a recent bout of Igmoe-psychosis. He's limping around the house, determined to maintain his domination of this giant tree he lives in (a two-story white colonial with red shutters) and of the female who lives within.

As I work at my computer, he comes into my office, gives me a couple slow, seductive head-bobs, and then cocks an eye up at me, giving me that "come hither" look. It's hard to resist.


I've finished the research stage of my next novel and have started plotting it out (i.e., figuring out all the characters I need to create and how I'm going to kill them off). This science thriller is set 20 years in the future, and involves cloning and genetic

For the writers out there, I can briefly describe my process thus far. I realized this book is going to have a complex plot, with about five intertwining plotlines (more complicated than the trilogy, and in only one book). So I developed a five-color flowchart, and wrote it out on three pieces of paper taped together to create an 8 1/2" x 33" long diagram. Each major incident is described in tiny handwriting in a color that indicates which plot it's part of. Then arrows extend from that incident to any other incidents that are caused by it. This reveals how an event in one plotline can cause a development in another plotline, and so on.

After completing this, I started writing a scene-by-scene outline. You may remember I wrote a 200-page outline for the trilogy (approximately 67 pages per book). My current outline is 42 pages long so far, and I'm not even half done with the plot. So this outline looks to be a record-breaker, even more ridiculously long than the last one. I was hoping to finish the outline by Thanksgiving; now I'm hoping to make it by Christmas.

By the way, if anyone is an expert on genetics, cloning, obstetrics, schizophrenia, manic/depression, or related issues, and would be willing to answer periodic questions from me, I'd love to have you join my list of science experts.



Hope you've enjoyed this newsletter. If I've left out something you'd like included next time, let me know. If you have any friends who would like to subscribe, feel free to have them contact me.

For further information, visit my website.

Until next time . . . Igmoe, what are you doing in here? Igmoe, what do you want? Stay back! Igmoe, I love you, but not in that way. Igmoe don't--wait--uh--oh--

Igmoe here. This newsletter is over. I'm dominant here.

Monica Hübinette | Seattle, WA | Send a Warm Fuzzy!
They knocked down two tall towers. Graft now their echo onto your spine. Become girders and glass, stone and steel, so that when the world sees you, it sees them. And stand tall. Stand tall. --JMS (Amazing Spider-Man #36)

[This message has been edited by Lyta (edited November 23, 2001).]
Re: Excerpts from Jeanne Cavelos\' Newsletter

Thank you, it was an interesting reading.

"We are the universe, trying to figure itself out.
Unfortunately we as software lack any coherent documentation."
-- Delenn
Re: Excerpts from Jeanne Cavelos\' Newsletter

Thanks for the info Lyta!
I have already heard the iguana part from a couple of friends that received the newsletter and I thought it was very funny.

Lorien: Who are you?
RW: The salad man.
Lorien: Why are you here?
RW: To be the salad ambassador.
Lorien: What do you want?
RW: Everyone to know the joys of salad.
Lorien: Do you have anything worth living for?
RW: Yes, my salad bars.
Re: Excerpts from Jeanne Cavelos\' Newsletter

LOL ya I got sent newsletter from Jeanne also.

Yeah Igmoe the Iguana is a living legend

Jeanne visits a few threads over at ISN and she often tells us what Igmoe is up to in her posts.

I really like the pick at her web site of Igmoe on her head ..

Re: Excerpts from Jeanne Cavelos\' Newsletter

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Deviot:
Yeah Igmoe the Iguana is a living legend

Jeanne visits a few threads over at ISN and she often tells us what Igmoe is up to in her posts.

I think she should write a short story or something about Igmoe. It would be very entertaining!

I didn't even know that ISN has a message board over there. I hardly ever visit her web site simply because it is so chaotic over there. I really hate wading through long, long, long pages of content.

I did happen to scan through the news section today and I saw a quote from me on there! My name is not attached to it and I wouldn't have minded being quoted ... just would have liked to have been asked/notified is all.

*Goes off to send an email to Sandra

Monica Hübinette | http://monica.hubbe.net/ | The Abyss : B5 | Seattle, WA
They knocked down two tall towers. Graft now their echo onto your spine. Become girders and glass, stone and steel, so that when the world sees you, it sees them. And stand tall. Stand tall. --JMS (Amazing Spider-Man #36)
Re: Excerpts from Jeanne Cavelos\' Newsletter

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lyta:
I think she should write a short story or something about Igmoe. It would be very entertaining!

I didn't even know that ISN has a message board over there. I hardly ever visit her web site simply because it is so chaotic over there. I really hate wading through long, long, long pages of content.


I beleive she did start to write a story or book? on Igmoe but somthing happend not sure of spesifics but it fell through.

I know what you mean about ISN I only only read the newsletter Sandra sends out and visit the babylon 5 and Crusade message board's although the board is not as active as here.

Re: Excerpts from Jeanne Cavelos\' Newsletter

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> I beleive she did start to write a story or book? on Igmoe but somthing happend not sure of spesifics but it fell through. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

She was going to write a book about Igmoe called "The Iguana on My Head." Funny title.

Sheridan: Are you trying to cheer me up?
Ivanova: No sir, wouldn't dream of it.
Sheridan: Good, I hate being cheered up. It's depressing.
Ivanova: So in that case we're all going to die horrible, painful, lingering deaths.
Sheridan: Thank you, I feel so much better now.
Re: Excerpts from Jeanne Cavelos\' Newsletter

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by crazybillyo:
She was going to write a book about Igmoe called "The Iguana on My Head." Funny title.


Aye that was the name of it. I thought she actually started it though then stopped for some reason. But yeah that is the one I was thinking of.


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