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Farscape plot question (season 4 spoilers)


I'm on the DVDs for season for Farscape. Last night I watched the one where Crichton made a deal with Scorpius to save Aeryn in return for granting him wormhole tech and info.

Prior to this, I hadn't watched in a while, so I need help figuring out something: what is the deal with that version of Moya where all the people are mixed up, like the Aeryn-Chiana hybrid; Rygel-old-lady; Jules-Dargo; and most importantly, Stark-Sikozu, who somehow provided the name of the Scaran base in which Aeryn was held prisoner? I know he was there before, but forgot in what context. I thought it was a dream or something, but then Crichton and Scorpius just took off in a ship and went there. So is it like some alternate dimension or something? And how did Starkozu (heh) get the name of that base from dead people?

Favorite moment (though extremely predictable):
Crichton: "I can't do it, I can't kill her"
Scorpius: "Well I can" Blammo!
So is it like some alternate dimension or something?

I believe the term used for it in the show is an "unrealized reality." It's some kind of side effect of the existance of wormholes or something.
Wormhole technology allows you to travel through time. Change the past changes the present. The mixing up of the people was just a way of showing that things were different in the alternative universes. Crichton had remembered that the place name was spoken at the funeral but could not remember what the name was. So he found an unrealised reality in which the person had not died and killed them. The place name was spoken.
Farscape whole series to be played in 8 hr blocks

First Farscape thread I found, and it's barely been used, so, rather than making a new thread, this one should be fine to use

Oct 1 through Oct 15 (Mon - Fri) American Scifi Channel will be playing blocks of Farscape from 9am-4pm (That's actually only 7 hrs X 11 days, so maybe the last episode starts at 4pm and ends at 5pm). So if you want to refresh your memory or just catchup, set your VCRs, all 88 episodes will be played (One would hope in order)
Re: Farscape whole series to be played in 8 hr blocks

I only have the last two episodes left to watch and then I'll be all caught up! And the great thing is, since I know it will be resolved, I won't be going through the agony of the unresolved cliffhanger.
Re: Farscape whole series to be played in 8 hr blo

Enjoy. It went out on a high, with two of the best episodes ever. And now we get some more!!!!