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Jerry Doyle ponders next political move


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Jerry Doyle ponders next political move
Plus: Jerry appearing on US radio this week.

The media is awash with the news that Arnie is running for Governor of California. But others actors have turned their hands to politics before, and before there was even a whiff of Arnie news B5's Jerry Doyle (Garibaldi) ran for the U.S House of Representatives three years ago in California.

He wasn't successful at the time, but there's been rumors that Jerry is planning to run again next year—but this time for Flordia's 16th district. However, Jerry explained he has yet to make a decision. "While I'm looking at the race, I have not made a final decision," he told B5TV.COM. "That will probably take place mid to late October."

Meanwhile, Jerry will be appearing on the radio this week. He'll be on the MANCOW show, which originates from Chicago on Q101. He'll be there from 5:30am to 10am CST on August 14 and 15 2003.

Original article: http://www.b5tv.com/greatmaker/news/270/

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