I lurk on the usenet site and have been following with interest your discussion of just what the triluninaries detected with Sinclair and the other pilots. I don't want to discuss it there as discussion threads there are too easily broken.
I find your logic compelling, but also find it confusing based on your assertions re: Delenn's transformation.
In several threads here you have (logically) held that Delenn must have been transformed almost completely into human DNA in order to be impregnated by Sheridan, and assert that David was "human in all respects."
Given that this was the case, then it was ALSO true that Valen (and maybe Catherine Sakai) was/were transformed "in all [respects] but a few cosmetic ones" and that his/their children were Minbari "in all respects."
Therefore, there WAS no human DNA for the trluninaries to detect in Delenn pre-chrysalis (or any of the other "Children of Valen), correct? And therefore the triluminaries could NOT have been reacting to human DNA, but must have been reacting to something else, if I understand the whole logic chain you present re: Delenn's conversion.
OTOH, we have the claim in "Atonement" that human DNA still exists among the Children of Valen, in which case it logically works out that there is still Minbari DNA in David Sheridan.
This isn't a challenge of any sort, it is a request for clarification. You clearly have thought about this more than I.
I find your logic compelling, but also find it confusing based on your assertions re: Delenn's transformation.
In several threads here you have (logically) held that Delenn must have been transformed almost completely into human DNA in order to be impregnated by Sheridan, and assert that David was "human in all respects."
Given that this was the case, then it was ALSO true that Valen (and maybe Catherine Sakai) was/were transformed "in all [respects] but a few cosmetic ones" and that his/their children were Minbari "in all respects."
Therefore, there WAS no human DNA for the trluninaries to detect in Delenn pre-chrysalis (or any of the other "Children of Valen), correct? And therefore the triluminaries could NOT have been reacting to human DNA, but must have been reacting to something else, if I understand the whole logic chain you present re: Delenn's conversion.
OTOH, we have the claim in "Atonement" that human DNA still exists among the Children of Valen, in which case it logically works out that there is still Minbari DNA in David Sheridan.
This isn't a challenge of any sort, it is a request for clarification. You clearly have thought about this more than I.