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Merging Forums - Good Idea??

It is pretty clear that the Crusade and Rangers forums have been pretty quiet of late, with nothing going on "out there" to really change that.

Would it not be more useful to combine the two into one "Crusade & Rangers" Forum rather than keep them totally separate?

Just a thought.

If anything, I'd be more inclined to create a B5 forum, Crusade forum, and telemovie forums....

But I think Crusade and Rangers a bit too separate to merge.

But what do others here think?
I see GaribaldisHair's point, but I also agree with Antony that the two are too different to lump together.
Don't think a separate telemovie forum would go too well... A Call to Arms is definitely a "Crusade movie" while the others apart from Rangers are a definite part of the B5 tale, so I can't see those separated from the rest of Crusade and B5 stuff.

If anything, I'd put A Call to the Arms together with Crusade and put the rest of the telemovies, including Rangers, into the main B5 forum... while Rangers was pretty much its own story, it has more in common with B5 than with Crusade.
Heck, at my board, I just merged all three into one forum, since there's rarely any talk there, aside from the usual "G'Kar Rocks!" thread. /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

But I'd say to just leave them alone here. There is, or was, enough going on to need seperate forums. Or something.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by NAME: </font color>
If anything, I'd be more inclined to create a B5 forum, Crusade forum, and telemovie forums....

But I think Crusade and Rangers a bit too separate to merge.


I completely agree with you Antony. Please keep Crusade and Rangers separate. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Merging Rangers into a B5 Telemovie forum would work, but I'm happy with how things are split up right now.
With the DVDs coming, and the reruns starting over with "The Gathering Part 1" later this month, I suspect that traffic in the B5 forum will increase. The Crusade and Rangers fora are likely to be fairly quiet with only the occassional "what if" story speculation thread. I think that perhaps B5 should retain its own forum, for the series and the telemovies (among which I'd include A Call to Arms, which starred Sheridan, not Gideon, and was really the last B5 adventure, not the first Crusade story) and merge the others (perhaps including "General Discussion" which just confuses people who think it means "off-topic" or "other TV shows" anyway) into a "Spin-offs" or "JMS's other works" forum. The books and comic books could mostly go here as well.

B5, being both the source of the fictional universe and the only show that is both complete and still on the air, will likely have an on-going life. Unless there are books or future TV movies that involve Crusade and/or Rangers I don't think there will be enough traffic to justify maintaining them in separate fora. The thread titles should be enough to keep discussions of the two apart, so I don't think their being "too different" will be much of an issue. People only interested in one or the other will simply read the threads they care about and ignore the rest.

Just my two cents.


</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by Joseph DeMartino: </font color>
Unless there are books or future TV movies that involve Crusade and/or Rangers I don't think there will be enough traffic to justify maintaining them in separate fora.

A. How much effort is involved in keeping them in separate, already existing forums (I hate "fora." Forums is equally correct according to my dictionary.)

B. How much effort is required to combine the forums?

If A < B, keep them as they are. /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif