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More than meets the eye...

Check out this story on Variety Yahoo news about the live action Transformers movie.
Despite being a big TF lover from my childhood, I dubious as to how Hollywood will handle this franchise, which arguably these days has more adult fans than kids... it will probably be just another toy ad. But i'll soak it up.

But with Tom de Santo and Don Murphy as producers, and Speilberg as an exec? , it might well rock.

Its shame that with Brian Singer doing Superman, the chances of an X3 look remote...
I just hope they base the movie more on the toys and TV show of the 80's. The current versions of the toys are a travesty, and Transformers Armada re-writes the history set down in the 80's, and I like the old version better.
I suspect it'll be a re-imagining. Don Murphy's website has an old-school Optimus Prime on it, so i'm guessing they'll stay fairly true to the inital ideas.
I agree, the new TF rewrites kinda suck.
I would love the whole thing to be set in the 80's with 80's cars, fashion, and music, it could be a whole retro movie. Probalby not though..
(cool, just broke the three diamond barrier!)
Been waiting for this one for a while, ever since CG became so much better.

As for X3...that film will happen...the question is...will Singer direct it or just EP it? He is also involved and was slated to direct the re-make of LOGAN'S RUN, which I am very curious about and would like to see done well.

Three things could happed due to his taking the helm of SUPERMAN:

1) He still does all three films, one of them is simply pushed backed. (This is still a likely choice, since there is nothing stopping them from sliding back any planned schedule for LR, leaving him to do SM, then X3, then LR.)

2) He will allow someone else to helm LR, while remaining attached to the project in some way (since it's been his baby more or less all along), probably as EP. Then he will do SM, then X3, which he's under contract for.

3) He will allow someone else to do X3 and he will continue to EP it, thus freeing him to do SM, then LR, which as I stated is kinda his baby...so I would be surprised to discover that he let someone else take it.

Either way, all three films are a go and will happen.
