Check out this story on Variety Yahoo news about the live action Transformers movie.
Despite being a big TF lover from my childhood, I dubious as to how Hollywood will handle this franchise, which arguably these days has more adult fans than kids... it will probably be just another toy ad. But i'll soak it up.
But with Tom de Santo and Don Murphy as producers, and Speilberg as an exec? , it might well rock.
Its shame that with Brian Singer doing Superman, the chances of an X3 look remote...
Despite being a big TF lover from my childhood, I dubious as to how Hollywood will handle this franchise, which arguably these days has more adult fans than kids... it will probably be just another toy ad. But i'll soak it up.
But with Tom de Santo and Don Murphy as producers, and Speilberg as an exec? , it might well rock.
Its shame that with Brian Singer doing Superman, the chances of an X3 look remote...