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Novel Question


I was just watching the commentary for "In the Shadow of Za'ha'dum" and JMS mentions a novel about the events that took place on the Icarus. Does anyone know what the name of it is? I had never heard it mentioned before now.
There is a book titled "The Shadow Within" written by Jeanne Cavelos that tells of the crew going to Z'ha'dum and what happens to them there.
JMS mentions a novel about the events that took place on the Icarus. I had never heard it mentioned before now.

Hehe, you must not come here much.
"The Shadow Within", by Jeanne Cavelos, is one of the original Del Ray books issued back in the early 90s and only one of two that are consdered particularly good. The other is "To Dream in the City of Sorrows" by JMS's "spousal overlord" Kathryn Drennen.

Definitely pick up "The Shadow Within". Even though you won't learn Morden's first name ;), his character is nicely fleshed out in the novel in ways you'd never expect.

Also, Cavelos picks up on the stories of both Anna and Morden in the Techno-mage Trilogy.