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'Objects at Rest' observation


\'Objects at Rest\' observation

Ok this struck me as kind of funny in a way. Everyone here knows that the entire time Londo was dealing with Morden and the Shadows, both before and after he knew what they were, he always referred to them as his 'Associates.' He referred to his 'Associates' in council meetings, as well as conversation with others.

Now, at the end of season 5, we have a Londo who is basically held on a chain via his keeper, and forced to do the Drakh's bidding. He travels to Minbar to say goodbye to Delenn and Sheridan, and also to do the Drakh's bidding with the urn. At dinner, he makes a comment about not being able to carry his own supply of alcohol. He says 'My Associates dont allow me such pleasures anymore'...

Now if you were Sheridan and Delenn, after all the shit everyone went through in the last 4 years due to Londo's former 'Associates' would you not freak out at hearing Londo tossing around that word 'associates' again? /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
Re: \'Objects at Rest\' observation

Yes, you're right. I thought the same thing.

But it does also make sense to remember that Delenn & Sheridan also had a lot on their minds at the time...
Re: \'Objects at Rest\' observation

<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

Now if you were Sheridan and Delenn, after all the shit everyone went through in the last 4 years due to Londo's former 'Associates' would you not freak out at hearing Londo tossing around that word 'associates' again?


Possibly, if I was aware of it, but I don't recall ever hearing particular mention of Londo's "Associates" in front of Sheridan and/or Delenn.

I seem to remember it was mainly used by Londo when speaking to Morden or Refa.
Re: \'Objects at Rest\' observation

1. Londo had many "associates" other than the Shadows: spies, gambling buddies, other politicians, etc. He was too vague for them. Besides, they barely evenknew the Drakh existed, nevermind thinking they could be on Centauri Prime.

2. Delenn already suspected somethong anyway.
Re: \'Objects at Rest\' observation

I'm not sure but I vaguely remember Sheridan commenting about Londo's associates in season two before he knew of the Shadows. I could easily be mistaken though.
Re: \'Objects at Rest\' observation

So you all know, a majority of the focus of this post was tongue-in-cheek. I just thought it was kind of a funny thing, not that literally in the series they should all have noticed it. I noticed it, and that was my reaction, so I figured I would just pass that little tidbit on...
Re: \'Objects at Rest\' observation

Everything one posts in serious forums is subjected to extreme scrutiny. It is unavoidable. It is its destiny!
Re: \'Objects at Rest\' observation

Recoil, I had the same thoughts when I was watching the last bit of the episode.
Re: \'Objects at Rest\' observation

Recoil, take it as a complement that we're reading your posts seriously. Or, that we're all a bunch of sexless geeks. Whatever works for you.
Re: \'Objects at Rest\' observation

<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

Originally posted by GKarsEye:
Recoil, take it as a complement that we're reading your posts seriously. Or, that we're all a bunch of sexless geeks. Whatever works for you.


Can I take it as both? /ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif
Re: \'Objects at Rest\' observation

I'll never forget the day when I was first sassinated. In the chatroom at 4 a.m. I was talking to Derian and Sassy, and out of nowhere Sassy took the liberty of naming my err...'axis'..."Morden's associate"
And thus, I will never look at the word 'associate' in the same way again. Thanks Sassy!
Re: \'Objects at Rest\' observation

Most definately would considering all of what Londo's associate's did both before and during the shadow war

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