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SNL Election Special


Super Moderator
Just posting a reminder (in case you knew but forgot) or a notice (in case you never knew in the first place) and you are interested: the Saturday Night Live election special comes on NBC tonight at 10:00 pm (eastern).
Damn, I missed it. Was watching the Jets slaughter Miami instead.

The Daily Show is doing live election coverage at 10 eastern, an hour earlier than normal.
You didn't miss much GKE; I found the special to be rather stale, though it was kinda funny seeing one of their really old debate sketches between Carter and Ford.
Having been only 11 at the time, I was amazed at the similarity between the Ford/Carter debate and the Bush/Kerry debates with the whole flip-flop issue. Then there was Ford's inability to do math, with his expression oddly mirroring Will Ferrel's during George W.'s foreign policy question in the famous Lockbox debate. Weird. Some things never change.

I found the more recent Kerry/Bush debate spoofs to be less funny, since the writers seemed to be using real quotes with goofier delivery rather than actually writing comedy based on them. There is a shortage of writing and performing talent on the show right now, very similar to the SNL drought of '84.
I was amazed at the similarity between the Ford/Carter debate and the Bush/Kerry debates with the whole flip-flop issue. Then there was Ford's inability to do math, with his expression oddly mirroring Will Ferrel's during George W.'s foreign policy question in the famous Lockbox debate. Weird. Some things never change.

I also found the similarities to be considerably interesting.
I thought SNL on Saturday SUCKED ASS. I didn't laugh at any of the skits, and that election cartoon was FUCKING STUPID!

On the flipside...did any of you catch last week's South Park, which was re-ran on Sunday? It was the first episode of the new season, and dealt with elections.


If you can find it in re-run ANYWHERE, watch it. It will have you in tears.
By far and away the best part was at the end, when they tallied the votes. That whole scene was dead-on funny.
And they did it quickly too. I read a few weeks ago that they still hadn't even thought about what to do for the first episode (of the 2nd half of season 8). They were working so hard on Team America up to the last minute that South Park was left to the last minute too. They probably threw it together in a hurry, and you wouldn't even know the difference.

On the surface, I thought the douche vs turd stuff was a bit too silly and too potty-humorish. But the more they made it a spoof of the real election, the better it got.

And how did they think to work in PETA and P. Diddy? :)

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