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What Rangers Is About???



i need 2 know what rangers is about ....or can any1 tell where i can find a faq of rangers..or smth...
The story seems to be mainly fluff - a backstory and introduction of characters and slightly more insight into the Rangers themselves. Being a pilot for a new series that seemed like a sure thing, the showcase of effects and new personalities took precident over a gripping plot.
Unintentionally, the moral of the story is that Babylon 5 wasn't meant to have spin-offs. Genius once is genius eternal.
I see the newbie has had a run in with the "Rangers Sucks" crowd. Constructive criticism is always appreciated, but some people seem to always omit the constructive part.
As to the original question it's a movie about the Rangers, a special force of the Inter Stellar Alliance, they have a certain code by which they work, much like the Knights of the Round Table.
I personally found the movie to be enjoyable, and while it might've lacked depth, I would certainly place it far ahead of most things coming from Hollywood nowadays.
Well, it was *going* to be about the adventures of a certain crew of Rangers on this dinky old ship called the Liandra. Most likely, it was going to progress into something bigger, knowing JMS... le sigh.
Solaris5 wrote: "I see the newbie has had a run in with the "Rangers Sucks" crowd. Constructive criticism is always appreciated, but some people seem to always omit the constructive part.
As to the original question it's a movie about the Rangers, a special force of the Inter Stellar Alliance, they have a certain code by which they work, much like the Knights of the Round Table.

I personally found the movie to be enjoyable, and while it might've lacked depth, I would certainly place it far ahead of most things coming from Hollywood nowadays. <<

Yep! And I hope Scifi is now unhappy with not continuing the show since it drew better ratings, even against an NFL playoff, than their highly touted Farscape S-4, ep 1 did and only .1 less than Stargate SG-1 first episode on Scifi. And this with SG-1 bringing a large fan base from Showtime with it.

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