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Whispers in the Night Pt9



Dedicated to my three loyal followers... tell me if I stuff up guys!!


Natheen was tall for a Minbari, Kiera thought to herself as the Ranger sat passively alert in the command chair of the WhiteStar.

Hyperspace always bored Kiera. The swirling mass of red and black could entrance some, but Kiera saw it for what it was, a mass of subspace you could easily become lost in, should you stray from the beacon.

Unknown to her, Kiera was also the subject of some scruitny. Natheen never questioned her Entil'Zha's orders, but the retrevial of this one human puzzled her. Why had Delenn placed so much on bringing this girl to them?

Slowly, with the skill of a practiced Minbari telepath, Natheen pressed softly on Kiera's mind. The backlash was instantaneous, and stronger than anything Natheen had ever felt, including the mental state of one of the Minbari Ranger trainees high on alcohol.

NEVER do that again. Kiera warned her, looking straight into her eyes. I am not to be played with.

Natheen blinked, and returned to consulting her chart.

"Nathan," She called her second, "Open a channel to Entil'Zha."

"Channel open." He replied a second later.

"Entil'Zha, this is Ranger Natheen."

Delenn's face appeared on the shimmering screen in front of them, and Kiera bit down a gasp. She had never seen the Human-Minbari hybrid before, and quickly agreed with those who said she looked like some exotic princess.

"Natheen." Delenn responded, smiling. "I trust your journey will be over soon?"

"A matter of hours Entil'Zha." Natheen replied. "Our mission has been a success."

Delenn nodded. "Is Ms Walters with you on the bridge?" She responded gently.

"I'm here." Kiera replied, allowing herself to be seen, considerably cleaner and neater than when Zack had removed her from Down Below.

Delenn regarded her with her green eyes. "May I meet with you once you have landed, Ms Walters?"

Surprise showed on Kiera's face. She had not expected the President's wife, leader of the Rangers, to wish to see her. "I... yes, of course. Thank you for sending one of the White Star fleet to retrieve me."

Delenn's smile broadened. "It was no trouble." Her attention returned to Natheen, and she spoke in a flurry of Minbari which Kiera did not understand, apart from a few peices.

"...Isthil'zha... N'aie?" (1) Delenn seemed to ask.

"Kei? L'oare..." (2) Natheen replied, before saying. "I'm not so sure, Entil'Zha. We shall see. Arrival in one and a half standard hours."

"Si'merha ti'kahen then Natheen, Kiera." (3) Delenn replied, and signed off.

Kiera was left more puzzled than ever.

(1)"...The future...no?"
(2)"Her? Possibly..."
(3)"Speed and Safety"

"Zathras... does not remember. But if Zathras remember, Zathras will tell you!"
Zathras: "You are finite, Zathras is finite, this... is wrong tool!"
Visit the Whispers In The Night homepage @ http://sharenn.freeservers.com/whispers.html
hehehehe....I love footnotes!

"...abso-FRAGGIN-lutely, damn it! I have been studying your use of lauguage since our last discussion. Do you approve?"
That was sooo cute! I loved the Minbari you added in there.

EntilZhaDelenn, Future portrayer of Ambassador Delenn

"There is always hope. It is the one thing no one has figured out how to kill... yet." Galen.

"Untied we stand, divided we fall." P. Diddy What's Going On?

I live for the Pepsi, I die for the Pepsi.
How much Minbari do you know?

Lorien: Who are you?
RW: The salad man.
Lorien: Why are you here?
RW: To be the salad ambassador.
Lorien: What do you want?
RW: Everyone to know the joys of salad.
Lorien: Do you have anything worth living for?
RW: Yes, my salad bars.
Very little, only what I've gleaned from episodes. I tend to adapt that to the situation and extrapolate from that

"Zathras... does not remember. But if Zathras remember, Zathras will tell you!"
Zathras: "You are finite, Zathras is finite, this... is wrong tool!"
Visit the Whispers In The Night homepage @ http://sharenn.freeservers.com/whispers.html
Okay, then you must speak Sharennbari.

Lorien: Who are you?
RW: The salad man.
Lorien: Why are you here?
RW: To be the salad ambassador.
Lorien: What do you want?
RW: Everyone to know the joys of salad.
Lorien: Do you have anything worth living for?
RW: Yes, my salad bars.
Oooooh I got my own language now!!!

"Zathras... does not remember. But if Zathras remember, Zathras will tell you!"
Zathras: "You are finite, Zathras is finite, this... is wrong tool!"
Visit the Whispers In The Night homepage @ http://sharenn.freeservers.com/whispers.html

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