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SECRET B5 project - completed

There was that thing from last year when JMS was asking round for old CGI files. Triple F alluded to an animated project...

But fantastic news that it's done!
There was that thing from last year when JMS was asking round for old CGI files. Triple F alluded to an animated project...

But fantastic news that it's done!

...and back when B5Events had :rolleyes: B5Events :rolleyes: , Patricia Tallman mentioned she had "gotten together" with some of the B5 actors. ...had to be for Something, right?

Fingers Crossed that once Whatever It Is hits the market, the wonderful people of B5Books might be able to publish the material!! Script/s, Commentaries, Interviews, Concept Art, Behind The Scenes, etc. :)
There was that thing from last year when JMS was asking round for old CGI files. Triple F alluded to an animated project...

But fantastic news that it's done!

...and back when B5Events had :rolleyes: B5Events :rolleyes: , Patricia Tallman mentioned she had "gotten together" with some of the B5 actors. ...had to be for Something, right?

Fingers Crossed that once Whatever It Is hits the market, the wonderful people of B5Books might be able to publish the material!! Script/s, Commentaries, Interviews, Concept Art, Behind The Scenes, etc. :)

Yes! I'm hoping this whole B5 revival will see some more official merchandise too as well as the great stuff B5Books have been producing.

JMS said that all the surviving cast are in this new project. I wonder if that includes Tracy Scoggins, Andrea Thompson, Julie Caitlin Brown, and Jason Carter (not to mention people like Josh Cox and Marshall Teague)?

Unfortunately JMS also mentioned in one of his tweets that the project wouldn't be revealed until SDCC next year!! That feels like much too long to wait!
My best bet would be an audio drama. Affordable enough to make and could have conceivably have been funded by his Patreon.

I'd LOVE to see B5 animated content, but somehow think we'd have heard from a studio / streaming platform to build hype by now if that were the case.
JMS said that all the surviving cast are in this new project. I wonder if that includes Tracy Scoggins, Andrea Thompson, Julie Caitlin Brown, and Jason Carter (not to mention people like Josh Cox and Marshall Teague)?

Not-so-minor quibble here. What he said was

And all of the main B5 cast members still around participated.

So that may preclude the recurring actors' appearing.
JMS said that all the surviving cast are in this new project. I wonder if that includes Tracy Scoggins, Andrea Thompson, Julie Caitlin Brown, and Jason Carter (not to mention people like Josh Cox and Marshall Teague)?

Not-so-minor quibble here. What he said was

And all of the main B5 cast members still around participated.
So that may preclude the recurring actors' appearing.

For what it is (or is not) worth, was casting about for Trivia and it appears that Late Summer-ish 2021 was when Pat might have mentioned a "recent get-together". One Potential Clue may be that in Late July 2021 there were several of the infamous Alternate Flipping The Bird TV Guide Photos for sale via B5Events - Two Variations. If memory serves, Variation One was her autograph plus a **print** of Richard Biggs.

The Second Variation (only 3 available) had non-print autographs from Richard Biggs as well as Pat. But these photos also had additional autographs from Bruce Boxleitner, Claudia Christian, Peter Jurasik, and Bill Mumy - she had gotten these additional sigs at a dinner in June 2021. If "Pat and Four Others" were together in June 2021, could maybe guess at least five potential cast members on this project?

No way of guessing for cast members who weren't in that TV Guide photo - Tracy Scoggins, Joshua Cox, etc. As to "when" a potential New B5 Story might be set, if it takes place after season 4 in the time frame of ...?... the short story "Hidden Agendas", Marcus would be (mostly) dead and in cryo.
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See, I'd say Tracy Scoggins, Andrea Thompson etc are main cast.

I'd imagine the Telepath War is near the top of the possible stories and might best suit the available cast members, but how do we know it's only one story? Maybe there are several stories, a bit like Lost Tales, there could be one set during the Shadow War with Ivanova and Marcus, for example, if JMS wanted to include Jason Carter.

Well, a year of speculation is going to be torturous, but presumably it's going to be a fairly big project if it's going to debut at SDCC. Hopefully we'll get more details before then.
See, I'd say Tracy Scoggins, Andrea Thompson etc are main cast.

I'd imagine the Telepath War is near the top of the possible stories and might best suit the available cast members, but how do we know it's only one story? Maybe there are several stories, a bit like Lost Tales, there could be one set during the Shadow War with Ivanova and Marcus, for example, if JMS wanted to include Jason Carter.

Well, a year of speculation is going to be torturous, but presumably it's going to be a fairly big project if it's going to debut at SDCC. Hopefully we'll get more details before then.

Trick would be to know "where" and "when" the story was set. Telepath War would be AMAZING, but at present the only information (from posted photos and such) appears to be that Patricia Tallman, Bill Mumy, Claudia Christian, Bruce Boxleitner, and Peter Jurasik are involved. If it were voice-only work, other actors such as Tracy Scoggins, Andrea Thompson and Walter Koenig could have Found a Recording Booth closer to where they lived without having to to travel.

If I recall correctly, Lennier and Lyta both "died off-screen" during the Telepath War, so unless it's a flashback scene, would have to be before that point at least. Then again, Lyta could have faked her death as... :) Telepath, and Lennier could have done the same to continue serving Delenn in secret, etc. Anything is possible.

Story might be related to one of the three trilogy novels (Centauri, Techo-Mage, Telepath) or the Drakh War or TMOS, or possibly events spoken-of-but-not-previously-shown such as In The Beginning. Could also be Something :cool: New.

EDIT: How about... Something to do with the Drakh Plague, and the "cure" turns out to be... :eek: SPOO :eek:.
But on reflection, if the story takes place after Season 5 then Londo would be under the influence of a Keeper, which might complicate matters as he'd be both an ally and unwilling-enemy.
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My memory is kind of vague, but don’t we know that Lennier died in the telepath war but Delenn survived it? If they wanted to do the Telepath War, they’d have to find a reason for Lennier to be involved but not Delenn.

It would be great, and I’m guessing that a movie based on the Telepath War looks pretty much impossible at this point (if he wanted to use it as a reward for the original main cast). An animated version would be a way to finally tell that story, with a smaller budget and not having to deal with actors who have aged when the story’s timeline really can’t let that happen.

I’m hoping for animated Telepath War.
I was going to make a joke and say "BUT I WANT IT NOW!!!!!", but you know I often get burned in the Be Careful What You Wish For Scenario when there is actually a chance that wish could come true. There is a scenario I could get that "NOW" wish, but I shall not mention it because I don't want it to come true. I will just stare at the walls until I get Jan's report from next year's San Diego Comic Con. ;)
I really don't think we will get anything fictional. A secretive project that managed to get written, cast, and produced all in secret? I highly doubt it. My money is on a documentary. Some kind of retrospective, which may also serve to drum-up interest in the planned reboot.
That's a good point, Bester. Maybe some kind of retrospective or anniversary interview with the main surviving cast members.
I really don't think we will get anything fictional. A secretive project that managed to get written, cast, and produced all in secret? I highly doubt it. My money is on a documentary. Some kind of retrospective, which may also serve to drum-up interest in the planned reboot.

I don't see how a retrospective could be "the closest thing to the original B5 in tone of anything we've done since.".

As for writing, casting, producing in secret? I can't remember the last time anything I was interested in (limited, I realize) came to my attention via anything other than a press release, however thinly disguised. That said, members of JMS' Patreon have been aware that this project existed for some time now, though we don't really know anything more than JMS has made public now.
Due to past Similarity-Issues-ish between B5 and DS9, JMS might not be interested in projects that could be interpreted as "imitation". Perhaps there will be Bonus Material which includes cast interviews?

Whatever it might be: New Fiction, Retrospective, Interviews, Tributes, Supporting a Reboot, etc - no downside!! :)

Hmm... How about a Re-imagining of the Monty Python sketch Spam, but substituting a four-letter B5 food that also starts with SP?
Then a dozen or so Narns show up to chant...
...Bloody Narns!
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Was skipping randomly through the last chapters of Bill Mumy's new book, and noticed on page 425 where he mentions revisiting B5 with cast members Claudia, Bruce, Pat, and Peter, and that it was a Top Secret project.
Was skipping randomly through the last chapters of Bill Mumy's new book, and noticed on page 425 where he mentions revisiting B5 with cast members Claudia, Bruce, Pat, and Peter, and that it was a Top Secret project.

I admit, I thought there was one B5 project that was already finished and basically ready to air. I hope we can hear some good news on some front.
I admit, I thought there was one B5 project that was already finished and basically ready to air. I hope we can hear some good news on some front.

Hoping for scraps of info that would hint of an expanded cast for Whatever It Might Be, but seems everything that has popped up (so far) from pictures to posts has only mentioned PT, BB, CC, PJ, and BM.

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