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Avengers: Endgame



So who wants to discuss the biggest movie in the world?

I will start by saying it wasn't my favorite Marvel Cinematic Universe movie, but I did enjoy it.

I saw it April 25TH and have not revisited the epic yet. I remember a lot of good. I know my biggest let down was the finale - seemed too short for such a long movie. And of course most people know I can't stand time travel movies so since seeing ENDGAME I've tried to work out how this could have happened without paradoxes.

Opinion: Who thinks the MCU is now going to be five years or further into the future from here on out? I mean obviously for the most part it has to be unless we're getting a bunch of post-snap tales of what happened while everyone was gone, which doesn't seem too likely since all the sequels I am aware of involve people who were gone.

Opinion: Who thinks they should do a series of movies about what happened as Captain America returned the stones to where they needed to be?
I was lied to... I asked if a certain person died. The guy I asked lied...

I remember being mostly bored with the movie... Then, since I game, I really enjoyed a Fat Thor threatening the kid on Fortnight... made my year. I figured I'd been lied to when the movie picked up at the end... wasn't a bad way to go out though.

I think the 5 year gap is staying in... which kinda sucks. How many people would have died in there? Widowed couple... survivor kills themself. Grandparents... Granny died well you were gone. It complicates the story I think. It would have been simpler to just rip off the gountlet before he could snap.

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