There've been a couple of instances when Jerry has tried to get B5 in some form restarted and has gone public about it in advance of when JMS thought it was appropriate to get the fans hopes up. The last spat over same was
quite public.
I'm afraid Jerry really comes off as a spoiled brat, who seems to think the world owes him something. And this:
"At least I'm still trying to bring back what should never have been taken off
the air. The fans deserve the show."
Is that really worth bragging about?

He's saying at least he's trying to bring back a show that should never have ended (which kind of is like saying to the author/creator/showrunner that he doesn't have rights somehow due to the quality of his work...

And "the fans deserve the show" is complete bull. I'm sorry, but fans do NOT own shows, they do NOT plan their themes and characters and plots and such. So how did these "fans" mysteriously gain control of the series they so love? I mean, sorry, but an artists "owes the fans" nothing. Other than to perform when they have paid to see a performance. No one with any brains would ever be creative if they knew they'd lose control to "the fans" if it becomes a success.
Besides, shows that have let themselves be influenced heavily by "fan opinion" tend to stink like rotting meat, don't they?
Claudia said some dumb things probably under the direction of her agent, but even her idiocy didn't seem to make her babble quite as much stupidity as Jerry has.
So yes, JMS has been known to throw his rather impressive anger around, he seems to have an ability to distance himself from it when it's an actor as opposed to someone with some control over the show (networks execs, or whoever passes along those "helpful" little suggestion notes).
And yea, didn't JMS say Garibalidi was to be on the first DVD but he found he just didn't have the heart to cut his other stories down that much? Or something about feeling he needed more time for the two stories he had committed to. So it sounds like a Garibaldi episode would be top of the list for future DVD stories.
Hee hee, what he should be worried about is just what JMS will write for him, eh?