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The Dresden Files

Well, like I said, he's used his sword cane before. He also tried to use Amoracchius that one time (bad idea).
The sword cane is mentioned and slightly used in Turn Coat... not by Harry though. I like how he never even picked up a sword in the book and yet there he is... holding one..... on the cover. Hmmm...

The cover to Small Favor shows him holding a single action revolver too... pretty sure his 44 isn't THAT old. ;)

& I don't think he's ever worn a hat... yet he's wearing one on every cover. It looks cool... but that's not how he rolls. :p Trench coat yes, staff yes, 44 occasionally. No cowboy hat though. He wore cowboy boots in a couple books though.

The guy who does the cover needs to get his $hit together. :p
Well I spent how many months telling people I was waiting for this book so when it came out I took off & everybody I know had enough good sense to leave me the &^@! alone till I finished it. :p My nephew was a little annoying but I can't blame him for being a kid.

"What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?"
"I'm READING!!!!!"


:guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw:
The sword cane is mentioned and slightly used in Turn Coat... not by Harry though. I like how he never even picked up a sword in the book and yet there he is... holding one..... on the cover. Hmmm...

Like I said, a tease for those of us who are expecting Warden Harry to get a freaking sword!

The cover to Small Favor shows him holding a single action revolver too... pretty sure his 44 isn't THAT old. ;)

Well, you could buy a Ruger Single Action 44 today, but you'tre right, it wouldn't look as old as the one pictured on the cover. That looks Civil War era.

& I don't think he's ever worn a hat... yet he's wearing one on every cover. It looks cool... but that's not how he rolls. :p Trench coat yes, staff yes, 44 occasionally. No cowboy hat though. He wore cowboy boots in a couple books though.

Hasn't he worn a Cubs hat as part of a disguise, or maybe I'm thinking of Murph.

The guy who does the cover needs to get his $hit together. :p

TRUE! Well, at least the glowing runes on his staff are the right color.
Changes comes out Teusday for those of you reading the books... the first 4 chapters are also available online if anybody wants to check it out.
Ordered it from Amazon at 8:22 AM today 4/5 and got it for the pre-order price of $9.99 (hardcover). :D

Shipped at 6:18PM today. :D :D
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& i just finished it today... had a to be continued ending so be warned. It better be a to be continued episede anyway...

And I remember complaining before about how on every cover Harry Dresden is wearing a hat... which he never wears in the books. He actually says in Changes... "I don't do hats" :p
& i just finished it today.

It came out yesterday, you finished it today, and I haven't even gotten it yet! :rolleyes:

.. had a to be continued ending so be warned. It better be a to be continued episede



Damn! No wrap up, ....a cliffhanger? Heh, by the time I get to it and read it, maybe the next one will be out.

And I remember complaining before about how on every cover Harry Dresden is wearing a hat... which he never wears in the books. He actually says in Changes... "I don't do hats" :p

I don't think he ever wore one in the TV show, either. Not sure about the comics or graphic novel.

I never used to wear hats unless it was -20degF and windy. Babylon 5 and Crusade changed that. ;) Most days, I wear my Crusade ballcap, and nobody knows what "Crusade" is (was). People have actually asked. The rest of the time I wear my "Babylon 5" ballcaps, and almost nobody knows it, either.
Damn! No wrap up, ....a cliffhanger? Heh, by the time I get to it and read it, maybe the next one will be out.

Yep... cliffhanger... to be continued at a later date I guess.

Changes really was an good title for the book... everything changed. :p By the time you get to the end you're left with, "what happens next?"
Damn! No wrap up, ....a cliffhanger? Heh, by the time I get to it and read it, maybe the next one will be out.

Yep... cliffhanger... to be continued at a later date I guess.

Changes really was an good title for the book... everything changed. :p By the time you get to the end you're left with, "what happens next?"

And now you have to wait A YEAR. :(
Next book is gonna be called Ghost Story... & I found this little tid bit on wikipedia.

& I don't want to hear any crap about wikipedia, I like it, it works, not everything on there is made up or completely false. :p
Harry's story will continue in Aftermath, told from Karrin Murphy's point of view and running from roughly half an hour after the end of Changes. The story will be released as part of Side Jobs, a collection of Dresden shorts due for release in late summer or early autumn of 2010.

Jim Butcher has already signed for a thirteenth Dresden novel, tentatively listed as Ghost Story on his official forums, and confirmed by Butcher at several signings ( his publishers wouldnt let him call it the more prosaic Dead). He has also confirmed that Changes marks the midpoint of Harry's story and there will be at least 7 more books, possibly 10, to finish Harry's story.
"Side Jobs" (short story collection), "Ghost Story" and 7 to 10 more novels after "Ghost Story." :D Thanks for the good news.
I haven't read any of the books (I still have alot of reading to do... been falling behind) but I really enjoyed the show when it first aired and picked up the DVD set when it came out.
I started reading the books because of the show... turns out the show sucked. Compared to the books at least. ;)

Dresden Files is the one books series I try to recomend to everybody...
I started reading the books because of the show... turns out the show sucked. Compared to the books at least. ;)

Well.... I did like Paul Blackthorne as Harry, Valerie Cruz as Murph (aside from being a brunette, not Irish, not 5'0" and having the wrong firstname. She seemed to have the Murph personality down pat.), Terrence Mann as Bob, and Joanne Kelly as Bianca (even though they did write her wrong. Boy, there's one HOT Newfie! :D :D :D ).
Morgan threw me all off when I started reading the books... turned out he was supposed ot be a white guy that looked like Sean Connery. :p
Side Jobs comes out on October 26th...

For those of you that don't read Dresden Files, & some of you that do... each book only covers a couple days in the life of Harry Dresden. With that said, some short stories were published inbetween books and some were just done to give you a better understanding of Harry. There's also a graphic novel called Welcome to the Jungle...

Most importantly, for those of you that have just read Changes, & are like "WTF?"... Aftermath should be at the end of the book & it takes place 45 minutes after Changes ends. It's also told form Murphy's point of view.

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