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Recent content by Springer

  1. Springer

    Official: Babylon 5 coming to Blu-ray in December

    I'm not able to get screenshots, but the Blu-rays are the best I've ever seen the show. They're much better than the files I downloaded from Apple TV, and are light years ahead of the DVDs. Shots are crisp, colours stand out, lighting is just right, the effects look great, and to be honest it...
  2. Springer

    EpDis: The Fall Of Night

    "It's like making nice with a piranha – sooner or later it's going to come back and bite you." I've been thinking about this episode a lot this past week. Oh my gosh, the parallels to real life. Appeasing an aggressor, trying to humiliate a war hero, just wait for the non-aggression pact to be...
  3. Springer

    Official: Babylon 5 coming to Blu-ray in December

    I'm still noticing new things in the blu-ray episodes. For example I watched Severed Dreams yesterday, and for some reason I never noticed before that at the beginning the camera follows the queue of people to Londo, whereas I'd always thought the camera just panned onto him. And in C&C just...
  4. Springer

    What are You Watching?

    My 4K copy of The Mandalorian season 3 has just arrived so I'll be watching that over the next week or two, I don't subscribe to Disney so I've not seen it yet. I've been rewatching lots of Star Trek: TOS recently. Brilliant, brilliant show. Think it's now number 2 on my list of favourite shows...
  5. Springer

    Something the Vorlons left behind...

    I was in Battersea in London last weekend when I came across this restaurant, I thought it would be safest if I didn't go inside! There is also an area of south London called Morden, probably best I don't go near there too!
  6. Springer

    Babylon 5... on Mastermind

    Wow! I had no idea this was on. Very cool. Just checked it out on iPlayer, I'm not familiar with the celebrity, they are a comedian apparently, but they got 7 out of 8 questions correct. I was impressed with the presenter pronouncing everything correctly! (and if you're wondering, I got all 8...
  7. Springer

    Bill Mumy interview

    There's a new interview with Bill Mumy by the Star Trek: Enterprise guys: It's mostly about his career as a child actor, but he does talk about B5. Nothing really enlightening – mostly him moaning about the make-up and the story about Susan Kellerman losing it in the make-up chair while...
  8. Springer

    B5 on Amazon Prime

    I did wonder about that. If I remember rightly, TNT asked for the movies, and presumably stumped up all the cash to make them, whereas I'm guessing season 5 was at least part-funded by WB. Or maybe season 5 does have the same contractual problems as the movies, but perhaps WB paid for the...
  9. Springer

    B5 on Amazon Prime

    The last time that B5 aired on broadcast television in the UK, which was about 5 years ago on one of the Sky channels, they showed the TNT movies. This was prior to the HD remasters. And TNT's involvement has never prevented the movies or Crusade being issued on DVD. So whatever has changed has...
  10. Springer

    The Babylon 5 Preservation Project

    Of course, don't forget I work in publishing. Our cover prices keep having to go up in response to printing and paper costs. But everytime our price goes up, we lose readers because people's earnings are not rising at the same rate. Book prices seem to have stabilised a bit because they have...
  11. Springer

    The Babylon 5 Preservation Project

    I think I actually bought your copy of 2.5 from you. I didn't get it when it was originally released I think because of finances, but I had no idea there were two versions of PoD so I was quite curious. There was also the CD that came with it, whether that was enough to balance out the price I...
  12. Springer

    Show off your B5 collectibles

    So... what is this? I thought there were only 3 volumes, is this a spiral bound proof of content that ended up in the other books?
  13. Springer

    The Babylon 5 Preservation Project

    Ah, by cramming I actually meant the opposite – cramming it so full of detail it potentially becomes impenetrable. I was probably a bit harsh in my statements. I appreciate it's difficult to get the balance right between brevity and detail. I can tell from the updates it's going to be the best...
  14. Springer

    The Babylon 5 Preservation Project

    Fair enough, I should have used a different word to feedback as I wasn't literally expecting Jason Davis to read this message board, nor is it really my place to give him feedback on a project I've not seen yet, plus I doubt he'd want some random person on the Internet telling him what to write...
  15. Springer

    The Babylon 5 Preservation Project

    Didn't say you had to report it to him. Didn't even think that. I was just making a comment on a message board. You're the one who jumped in and tried to get involved. So the book is like the example I described above, is what you're saying. Ok. I'll judge it properly once I've got the...