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  1. C

    B5:TLT Actual DISCUSSION Thread

    Re: Actual B5:TLT News from JMS! Oh, and that assumption also squares with JMS's previous statement (before the Garibaldi segment was separated out), that the first disk would take us to "Minbar, Mars, and B5", which happens to be exactly where Sheridan, Garibaldi, and Lochley are living...
  2. C

    B5:TLT Actual DISCUSSION Thread

    Re: Actual B5:TLT News from JMS! Almost....except that's not quite *all* we know. We also have this from the Dreamwatch interview as transcribed by Andrew here: http://www.b5tv.com/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/366576/page/0/fpart/4/vc/1 That bit about one of the trilogies (this was before the...
  3. C

    B5:TLT Actual DISCUSSION Thread

    Re: Actual B5:TLT News from JMS! Probably not. At some point (perhaps it was in the Dreamwatch interview, I don't remember), JMS specifically mentioned having one of the TLT trilogies (presumably the first one) including a set of stories that focuses on Sheridan, Garibaldi, and Lochley. Now...
  4. C

    10 years since Z'ha'dum

    10 years since Z\'ha\'dum One of the lines that always struck me from "Sleeping in Light" comes from the beginning of the ep, when Sheridan says to Delenn "It was....20 years ago that I died on Z'ha'dum." It's hard for me to wrap my brain around 20 years, as I was only 21 years old when SiL...
  5. C

    B5:TLT Actual DISCUSSION Thread

    Re: Actual B5:TLT News I agree that it doesn't make sense to expect anything in TLT to tie in too closely with TMoS. But I do think there's a good chance that Galen's involvement in one of the stories has something to do with leftover Shadow tech. That seems to be a recurring theme in the B5...
  6. C

    JMS giving B5:TLT hints?

    Well, that sounds like Disk 2 will depend on sales. By suggesting that there will be more *IF* the sales are as good as expected, that implies that they will wait until they've seen the sales figures for Disk 1 before proceeding with production on Disk 2. I agree that it sounds like it's...
  7. C

    JMS giving B5:TLT hints?

    What's interesting about this is that JMS says there were three stories, but mentions four characters. I guess that means that at least one of the stories would feature two of the characters. Maybe one story each for Sheridan, Garibaldi, and Lochley, with Galen making a special appearance in...
  8. C

    B5:TLT Actual DISCUSSION Thread

    Re: Actual B5:TLT News Well, OK, perhaps I shouldn't have used the words "a story in which Ivanova uses her telepathic abilities" exactly. All I really meant was a story about Ivanova that deals with telepaths. The fact that she's a latent telepath, though a very weak one, means there could...
  9. C

    B5:TLT Actual DISCUSSION Thread

    Re: Actual B5:TLT News I also prefer Ivanova to Lochley. But given JMS's previous comments (as described in my post above), it sounds like Lochley is more likely to be included in this *first* batch. Hopefully, Ivanova can be featured in a later story. JMS said that he'd like to center each...
  10. C

    B5:TLT Actual DISCUSSION Thread

    Re: Actual B5:TLT News Let's put the pieces together here. JMS has indicated that he'd like at least one of these trilogies to feature Sheridan, Garibaldi, and Lochley. He's also mentioned that he'd like the first batch to focus on human characters, which is why (as I mentioned upthread) I...
  11. C

    Casting Rumors

    Based on this comment, and the comments from Peter J. about the first batch focusing on the humans, I presume the leading contenders for the first disk would be Sheridan, Garibaldi, and Lochley. (It's always possible that not all of them would be available or interested, but I think those are...
  12. C

    Newbie just starting S2 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

    Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY! Whoa, did I actually catch DeMartino making a mistake with regard to B5 continuity? ;) It is definitely *not* safe to watch "In the Beginning" until after one watches "Rising Star" (Episode 4x21). At the end of ItB, a certain Centauri makes...
  13. C

    Newbie just starting S2 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

    Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY! Actually, now that I think about it, the "space-based shows on broadcast television" thing would also need to include the qualifier "American", as Blake's 7 and Red Dwarf both made it past three seasons as well (though both had fewer episodes in...
  14. C

    Newbie just starting S2 - Non-Spoilers ONLY!

    Re: Newbie just starting S3 - Non-Spoilers ONLY! Well, by my count, the only non-Trek space-based SF shows to last more than three seasons on broadcast TV are B5 and Andromeda, so I think it did pretty well (by the standards of space-based shows). As for the "what is the best way to view the...
  15. C

    When should a newbie watch "In the Beginning"?

    Re: When should a newbie watch \"In the Beginning\"? ItB also has a huge spoiler for "Rising Star", in that Londo mentions the fate of Sheridan and Delenn wrt leading the Alliance. That's why it shouldn't be seen until after Season 4.
  16. C

    Script book 5: abandoned concept for "Za'ha'dum"

    Re: Script book 5: abandoned concept for \"Za\'ha\'du Regarding B4 being taken into the future--I had assumed that that was to be part of the storyline if Sinclair had remained on the show for all five years. (It would offer a more sensible explanation for the appearance of "future Sinclair"...
  17. C

    Script book 5: abandoned concept for "Za'ha'dum"

    Script book 5: abandoned concept for \"Za\'ha\'dum\" OK, I don't see any threads anywhere on discussions of the actual *content* of the JMS script books. Not sure if this is the right forum for it, but the mods can move it if not. I just finished reading script book #5. The most interesting...
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    Gamecloud JMS interview

    JMS talks about releasing the B5 scripts, and past efforts at developing a B5 video game: http://www.gamecloud.com/omg.wtf?lolz=2281
  19. C

    WB to webcast B5 reruns on new internet channel

    I haven't seen this mentioned in any other thread: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/10037170/ In the last paragraph of the story, B5 is mentioned as one of the shows in question.
  20. C

    Why it will be unlikely to see a B5 movie

    I thought I read somewhere that Ellison also did uncredited work as the ISN reporter voiceover at the end of "The Fall of Night". Don't know if that's true, but that voice certainly wasn't one of the regular ISN reporters.