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  1. Elenopa

    B5:TLT, Success or Failure

    Did you know that the Lochley tale is a reworking of a short story JMS wrote years ago? It probably expalins why it feels so 'odd'. We don't know exactly what restrictions JMS was working under. Certainly the budget dictated pretty self contained stories for this first outing. There is more...
  2. Elenopa

    Lost: Cool new video short!

    I can't get it to play. Anyone have an alternative link?
  3. Elenopa

    General Questions

    I have Jpegs of the ones with Delenn and Londo, which act as headers to a letter.
  4. Elenopa

    Misc. Races from Season 1

    n'grath turned up in season 1 of Buffy.
  5. Elenopa

    B5:TLT -- just the news. And we mean that.

    It's available again.
  6. Elenopa

    B5:TLT -- just the news. And we mean that.

    TLT is now unavailable from Amazon UK. Do you think we managed to buy up all the copies?
  7. Elenopa

    B5:TLT -- just the news. And we mean that.

    And it's up to 11 in the ranks at Amazon.co.uk :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer:
  8. Elenopa

    Something of a labor of love...

    Amoung our weapons....! Sorry, couldn't help it ;)
  9. Elenopa

    JMS and the BBC...

    Oh yes, there is this video of an unfilmed script written by Paul Darrow for season 4. It is performed at Redemption and I finally got to see it this Feb. I haven't tried downloading it so don't know how easy it is. I give you 'Man of Iron!' http://babylon6.homeip.net/alex/redemption.htm
  10. Elenopa

    JMS and the BBC...

    For those people who can't watch the DVDs, then I have the next best thing, :beer:WOBBLEVISION :beer: To be found at http://blakes-7.co.uk/wobblevision/ it is the on going project to re-create all the episodes of 'Blake's 7' in photo form. I play Avon in 'Terminal' and Orac in 'Children of...
  11. Elenopa

    Whatever Happened to Brother Theo?

    And in the X-files.
  12. Elenopa

    JMS and the BBC...

    I don't think we'll be seeing Blake's 7 anytime soon as they've just done a new audio version. (With Carrie Dobro in the cast) http://www.scifi.co.uk/blakes7/
  13. Elenopa


    I certainly hope will be in TLT at some point. Before that, if you want my take on the Marcus story, there is my fanfiction at http://www.fanfiction.net/~hilaryweston :D
  14. Elenopa

    The Day the Earth Stood Still

    Why?! I haven't seen the original yet, but I was having a conversation about it just last night.
  15. Elenopa

    Lost Season 3 Spoiler Thread

    OK, so maybe it was all a ploy three years ago to just get Juliette on to the island. They only had to string her along for a few months before she started asking questions. They obviously had connections and money three years ago. Do they still? I didn't mean that. I wondered if they were...
  16. Elenopa

    Lost Season 3 Spoiler Thread

    Right, I've managed to see all of season 3 now, due to downloading. I am still confused. I thought I was getting it all worked out and now I don't know what to believe. Dhama had some sort of research station on the island, with various hatches, perhaps doing social experiments a-la 'Big...
  17. Elenopa

    JMS historical reclamation project

    Glad to see you posted about this. I had just thought about doing it. This is one time I wished I lived in the US, because I would gladly do something like this for JMS, and just about anyone else for that matter.
  18. Elenopa

    B5:TLT Actual DISCUSSION Thread

    Just a note to those who have pre-ordered TLT from Amazon UK. The price has dropped to £8.48, but Amazon didn't automatically update my order to reflect the new price. I had to contact them, but the did change it pretty quickly. You may want to check your order to see if they have changed...
  19. Elenopa

    Flash Gordon

    They gave him the creature when he left 'Blue Peter'.
  20. Elenopa

    Flash Gordon

    I watched 'I Caludius' last year and Brian Blessed was fabulous in that. His death scene especially was amazing.