He was in the UK a while back meeting the BBC, around the time he talked about new series. I have been wondering at the back of my mind what this was about.
The BBC currently love sci-fi and being unoriginal ponce's, will probably commission loads more until even I am bored of it, although their recent Jekyll was great. It seems Wheadon's Ripper has finally been commissioned by the Beeb.
So what was he up to?
Potential ideas:
1) A mini-series with US backing along the lines of Rome
2) Blakes 7. Come on, Blakes 7 !!!!
3) An episode of Dr Who
4) A BBC series based upon one of his novels of comics. Midnight Nation would be great.
5) Something Marvel related. Captain Britain series based upon Alan Moore's comics ?
Just a bit of idle curiosity.
The BBC currently love sci-fi and being unoriginal ponce's, will probably commission loads more until even I am bored of it, although their recent Jekyll was great. It seems Wheadon's Ripper has finally been commissioned by the Beeb.
So what was he up to?
Potential ideas:
1) A mini-series with US backing along the lines of Rome
2) Blakes 7. Come on, Blakes 7 !!!!
3) An episode of Dr Who
4) A BBC series based upon one of his novels of comics. Midnight Nation would be great.
5) Something Marvel related. Captain Britain series based upon Alan Moore's comics ?
Just a bit of idle curiosity.