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JMS and the BBC...

On Sep 22, 5:32 am, Kurt Ullman <kurtull...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >From a general article on Clint Eastwood came the following:
> Next month, Eastwood starts filming "The Changeling" starring Angelina
> Jolie, about a woman whose child is kidnapped. When the child is
> returned, she suspects a swap has taken place.
> "It's a great tour de force for a woman ... with John Malkovich and a
> lot of very good actors," Eastwood said.
> http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070922/en_nm/eastwood_dc_1;_ylt=AlwJZnEM...
> eyb1LR4KAyoF1vAI
> http://tinyurl.com/32wdby

Here's the other part of it.

For the last year, very much under the radar, I've been working with
two film makers who have created some of the biggest SF movies in the
last twenty years on a television project. (I can't reveal their
identities, but pick any three of their movies and you have box office
of over two billion dollars.) We've been quietly writing and creating
the first three scripts for a new SF series that would pretty much
revolutionize the form, and which have gone out to the networks for
auction. Offers are coming in. Whether or not the offers are enough
to make the project work -- it's huge -- remains to be seen. Where
this goes will be determined in the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned.


This is all exciting...
Oh, that is exciting news. :D

I know nothing in the entertainment industry is ever guaranteed, until you are watching it, lasting deals will never be made if offers and discussions aren't taking place.

JMS did say he's hearing from a whole new set of people, now. And he certainly sounds happy to use his natural workaholism to make many of these projects actually work. :)
As much as we all like B5, don't dismiss the possibility that years down the road, JMS might actually do something better! :eek:;):D
As much as we all like B5, don't dismiss the possibility that years down the road, JMS might actually do something better! :eek:;):D

I've been ready for that for years now. Jeremiah's second season was wonderful. I'm hoping that whatever this is, he'll be able to do it without restraints.

I've been ready for that for years now. Jeremiah's second season was wonderful. I'm hoping that whatever this is, he'll be able to do it without restraints.


And then of course there was Polaris, which he(?) shelved because it started out with a 9/11 type event. (Or was Polaris passed on by SciFi Channel, and the one he shelved was another show?)
Polaris was the one that jms said the SciFi Channel said was "too science fictiony". I remember the project that had the 9/11 type event, but can't recall what it was called.
Polaris was the one that jms said the SciFi Channel said was "too science fictiony". I remember the project that had the 9/11 type event, but can't recall what it was called.

Ah that's right, Polaris was too SciFi for SciFi (IE: Special effects budget would be too high)
Did jms ever give us any idea whatsoever as to what Polaris was going to be about? All I remember was the name.
Did jms ever give us any idea whatsoever as to what Polaris was going to be about? All I remember was the name.

I don't think he did, which is how I combined the two projects in my mind. If he did let on what it was about, I don't think it was very widespread.
I really hate it when people equate special effects with science fiction.

Uh, science fiction is primarily about IDEAS, not budgets or CGI. It's always best to keep that in mind, unless you only watch sci-fi for the special effects.

And, yea, I do believe I recall something like that said about Sci-Fi Channel's turning the project down. And it just sums up the Sci-Fi channel so well, doesn't it? Hell, why would we want to air original science fiction when we've got a guy who can talk to the dead?

Hmmm... I'm unclear on why this response to this old post, but try the link I did, and found a 48 DVD set, all 12 seasons, of Perry Mason for $124.95! Uncut... I shouldn't spend the $, but I am weakening...
Their offerings seemed too good to be true, so I googled them. Seems they are a rip-off, selling DVDs from China, that rarely work, and they don't respond to requests for refunds.

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