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  1. Dorvo

    EpDis: Acts Of Sacrifice

    I like the humor of the Lumati scenes, although I do tend to laugh at things easily. Still, what strikes me as really funny is the wonderfully ludicrous disjunction between how exaltedly they see themselves and how absurd they really are. That makes great comedy, and could apply to so many...
  2. Dorvo

    EpDis: By Any Means Necessary

    For his accent, I'd lean towards generalized Euro trash. If I had to pin it down, it's vaguely Romanian, Count Dracula sounding to me, with a little Russian thrown in for seasoning.
  3. Dorvo

    EpDis: Grail

    I like this episode, not least because David Warner could read the phone book and I'd stand there with my mouth open, amazed. Such is the power of good acting (especially good English acting, and there's arguably none better in the English speaking world). I have to admit too that I'm a sucker...
  4. Dorvo

    EpDis: TKO

    Dunno why, but I'm strangely fond of this episode, I think because it's particularly well acted by the guest stars. I really like the boxer (don't have the name at my fingertips) and the wonderful actor who plays rabbi Koslov (he recently passed away) is fantastic. Other things I like: the...
  5. Dorvo

    EpDis: By Any Means Necessary

    Well, if it's a complaint, it's a very minor one. I'll gladly take an over the top B5 acting job over a perfectly nuanced performance in just about any other series, no problem. Ben Zayn didn't bother me as much for some reason. Just goes to show, a lot of this is purely individual...
  6. Dorvo

    EpDis: Signs And Portents

    One of the moments of Maximum Coolness in the entire series. It builds a wonderful sense of foreboding and menace, from start to finish. I also think that one of the really powerful features of season 1 is the "slow start"--how a gem like this is largely unhinted at for the first half of the...
  7. Dorvo

    EpDis: By Any Means Necessary

    Rewatched it again just now, and like everyone else here, I enjoy it. The idea that the future isn't free of real world problems--unethical, lowballing contractors, labor exploitation and unrest--is one of the things the show usually did very well, and that sets it apart from the vast majority...
  8. Dorvo

    EpDis: Believers

    Just got to this one in my most recent rewatch, and I'm at least considering skipping it. I hate doing that, though; it always makes me feel slightly dirty. It is a temptation in this case, though. I think that outside of season 5, this is my least favorite episode in the whole series. It's...
  9. Dorvo

    EpDis: The War Prayer

    I'm rewatching the series and just got to this one. I like the episode overall, and agree that it usefully extends the "anti alien paranoia" thread that eventually becomes so important to the story. The one drawback for me is Shaal Mayan. I find her patronizing and infuriatingly smug, getting...
  10. Dorvo

    EpDis: A Spider In The Web

    De gustibus non est disputandum. I strongly disliked the Talia character, but to be honest I'm not sure how much of it was Andrea Thompson's acting and how much of it was simply the way the character was written. She seemed to come in two flavors: tearful victim, and snarky bitch. I disliked...