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  1. K

    So, when do the ratings come in?

    Joseph DeMartino, Yes, that is correct my dear friend Joseph! The dollar exchange rate factor of the low Canadian dollar relative to the US currency is a huge determining factor as to why many US production frequent Canada... Not to mention that there are top notch experienced talent (cast...
  2. K

    Do you miss those Rangers ladies?

    And you are...? Justing kidding Myriam! LOL! Cheers! -Warren- *just being a brat! ------------------
  3. K

    Do you miss those Rangers ladies?

    Hear, hear... I second that! Cheers! -Warren- ------------------
  4. K

    Watching our new friends on TV

    Hello? Hello? Hey...psst...you whooooooooooo...anyone here? Where the hell is the rest of the cast members? Dylan? Myriam?...Ah...Alex? Gus?...Hmmmmm... Enid-Raye? Jennie-Rebecca?...Geez...what the... Dean? Boom-Boom Bridges? David Storch? Well...no one knows where he is... Weird...They...
  5. K

    Watching our new friends on TV

    Hey Lyta! Genki desu ka? Regarding the name change of the character from the original "Li Chen" to the now, "Kitaro Sasaki"... I didn't convince JMS to change the name. Joe voluntarily changed it on his own to reflect my Japanese heritage! He (JMS) is a very respectful, considerate and...
  6. K

    We die for the One, we die for the One.

    Sigh, There is a simple answer to that question... 10 feet under the ground! With a nice headstone to mark the spot! Cheers! -Warren- ------------------
  7. K

    We die for the One, we die for the One.

    I just wanted to say that I have enjoyed everyone's message posts! I commend your intellectual thoughts!\ The intelligence is extremely high on these boards! A+ You guys have alot of great analytical input to this particular thread subject...and it is absolutely awesome! Keep up the "Great...
  8. K

    We die for the One, we die for the One.

    I just wanted to say that... First of all, to debate whether a country, a people have a justifiable set of ethics, or beliefs (ie:religion) is, in a way, ridiculous...and arrogant of us to even do! Of course, that is what makes us, on a global level, so interesting and unique. The many...
  9. K

    We die for the One, we die for the One.

    GKarsEyes, Actually, thanks for the spelling correction on "Kamikaze" (and me being Japanese and all...he he he) Thanks for the intelligent points, GKarsEyes! I enjoy reading your message posts! The sacrificial mentality (to defend and maintain honor and pride,etc) of the Japanese, more so...
  10. K

    We die for the One, we die for the One.

    "We live for the one, we die for the one" A great example of the Ranger credo that was displayed during one of Earth's historical events, and may be the first time that the world witnessed such a mind state, was the bombing at Pearl Harbour by the Japanese, December 7, 1941...and the...
  11. K

    the One thing that totally disgusted me...(spoilers)

    If that is the case...that the VR Weapon Chamber concept is not acceptable because it doesn't come across as logical or sensible or efficient...or whatever...realistic? Then the same can be true for science fiction all together! Nothing in science fiction really exists, especially when it...
  12. K

    the One thing that totally disgusted me...(spoilers)

    Hey Natron! Thanks for the address! Many of the questions that has been asked here on these boards can be answered by JMS! And what better person to get an answer...he has them all... Thanks again for your help Natron-san! Domo arigato gozai masu! Cheers! -Warren- ------------------
  13. K

    the One thing that totally disgusted me...(spoilers)

    Akai, Well, that is very creative thinking on your part regarding using the chair...which was the original plan incorporated into the Gunnery Weapon Pod concept. Once again, please read the inteview with director Mike Vejar over at www.scifi.com/b5rangers/ where he explains this original...
  14. K

    An Obsessed Review - possible SPOILERS

    Re: The weapon pod and the screams! If I had done that sequence with the weapon pod...I would have done it exactly the same way... All the martial arts (not saying that the movements in the weapon pod is martial arts) that I have done...more specifically, the Japanese style of martial arts...
  15. K

    An Obsessed Review - possible SPOILERS

    Channe, Of course you have my permission to use the characters from "Titans -Warriors of Virtue"...although, you created alot of them too... Sorry that I was unable to post any more contributions to the story, but I had gotten busy with things at that time! B5_Obssessed! Shame on you! (Slaps...
  16. K

    An Obsessed Review - possible SPOILERS

    Channe, You "winced" at me? You "winced" at me? Really? Hmmmmmmm! Interesting... LOL! Cheers! -Warren- ------------------
  17. K

    An Obsessed Review - possible SPOILERS

    Not to give away any spoilers but... The character of "Kitaro" will definitely have more of an edge to him in the series! Like I said, after what he has gone through on this recent mission...he will be a hell of alot more confident, well-rounded, and ready for whatever may come! You damn right...
  18. K

    An Obsessed Review - possible SPOILERS

    Believe me...Kitaro won't be getting his ass kicked (referring to the scene with Tannier) like that anymore! Geez! Cheers! -W- ------------------
  19. K

    An Obsessed Review - possible SPOILERS

    Yes! Quite right indeed! Kitaro is a guy that jumps into situations with so much eagerness, that he sometimes doesn't realize what he is getting into! Mike Vejar gave me the same input on his take of "Kit" which was interesting. We were on the same page so to speak! A good example of "Kits"...
  20. K

    An Obsessed Review - possible SPOILERS

    B5_Obssessed, Hey there! Great review! Honest and truthful and very respectful! That's great dude! Regarding the character of "Kitaro" delivering the lines shyly or nervously...well, that is interesting that you picked up on that... The scene with "Kit" being asked about "Communications are...