I watched the movie with a bunch of friends, and we were all struck by something concerning the Ranger code. It really does not make sense, at least to me, for their "core principle" to be never to retreat from combat. This just doesn't sit right with me. In some cases, it is tactically wise to conserve your resources and retreat in a situation where victory is impossible. I can understand though this being a Minbari principle, but what makes even less sense to me is why Sinclair, once head of the Anla'shok, wouldn't have changed that. Delenn, who is Ranger One at the time of this movie, surely wouldn't agree with that philosophy. It just doesn't make sense.
Here's the only thing I can think of: it's well known that at this time the Minbari are in a period of decline, becoming more and more corrupt (perhaps too strong a word) and moving further from their principles. Perhaps they are blinded by tradition in the face of common sense, or are just trying to stick it to a human - both being examples of "unenlightened" behavior. And it's obvious that jms is aware of how condemning retreat is ludicrous, because he had G'Kar speak the logical argument against it. I realize G'Kar is as wise a figure as you can get on B5 (without being a Vorlon that is
), but a Narn telling a Minbari council what to do?
I don't know, this just doesn't sit right with me. Any thoughts?
Here's the only thing I can think of: it's well known that at this time the Minbari are in a period of decline, becoming more and more corrupt (perhaps too strong a word) and moving further from their principles. Perhaps they are blinded by tradition in the face of common sense, or are just trying to stick it to a human - both being examples of "unenlightened" behavior. And it's obvious that jms is aware of how condemning retreat is ludicrous, because he had G'Kar speak the logical argument against it. I realize G'Kar is as wise a figure as you can get on B5 (without being a Vorlon that is

I don't know, this just doesn't sit right with me. Any thoughts?