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  1. R

    How did we all become Babylon 5 Fans?

    I was pretty young when the pilot was releasd, and I remember watching it and having mixed feelings. Up until "The Gathering" most of my science fiction television was Star Trek. I had seen some Battlestar Galactica, and Buck Rogers (where the hell is my Buck Rogers, Sci-Fi Network?!), but I...
  2. R

    B5 - Model

    Indeed, Elizar, $200 is about ten times what the model is worth. I recently acquired the Revell-Monogram Babylon 5 Station, unlimited edition Starfury MK-1 and the Special Edition Starfury MK-1 for $40. Admittedly this was a great deal, and may not happen much, but I think that on average you...
  3. R


    Superbob, the Virtual Season Six, titled "The Price of Freedom" can be found at www.telusplanet.net/public/dgolding/vs6/VS6_Episodes.htm It's still being written on, but I think they have 14 "episodes" posted right now. enjoy. Radar ------------------ "The avalanche has already begun. It...
  4. R


    I've read everything that's been published of the story so far, and I have to admit Williams is talented. I'm not sure if it's a stylistic thing, or if it's just that I'm not used to reading such long pieces online, but it seemed that the buildup to the major events was either way too subtle...
  5. R

    Today's dvd day!

    Re: Today\'s dvd day! Well, I didn't pre-order one <shuffles feet in embarrasment>, but I was able to pick one up last night (December 3rd) from a retail outlet here in New Orleans. I kinda feel good about getting it retail, because 1) I got it for 16 bucks, and 2) I think that Warner Bros...
  6. R

    Babylon 5 - Independant State?

    Hello all. This may have already been addressed some time ago, but as I cannot find any current information on this question, I hoped someone out there could help me. Babylon 5 secceeded from the Earth Alliance in 2260, and in Sheridan's speech he claimed that B5 would remian independant until...