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Search results

  1. K

    Why Does Babylon 5 Always Get Screwed???

    Its probably all beccause I love and have negative luck.
  2. K

    B5 a master piece

    If the title can be assigned to a tv series, then I suppose B5 is the place for it.
  3. K

    My New B5 & Crusade License Plates

    Heh, cool.
  4. K


    Feh, Illl runn it off on the uni printers at some point.
  5. K

    VHS Cover image

    I expect it wasnt released here for some random corporate reson.
  6. K

    Marjorean Holden spotted

    I caught a few minutes of it on the telly room at my halls, but got bored and wandered off. Im back in Edinburgh and Im watching telly properly for the first time in ages.
  7. K

    Crusade Costumes

    I always quite fancied cobbling together a psi cop uniform.
  8. K

    Beyond the rim...

    Perhaps having bits of various people in him rubbed off.
  9. K

    Babylon 5 changes

    I might have done something with more with what happened to Sinclair.
  10. K

    Brady Bunch Movies

    Alright, you just ruined christmas with the image of shadow reindeer!
  11. K

    The Wurt

    *fires off his tomato rifle*
  12. K

    in the beginning question (spoilers)

    I always got the impression that santiago was whiter than white.
  13. K

    A gaggle of JMS posts

    nice one, ta for the link, Id managed to lose.
  14. K

    centauri and technomage trilogies

    Marking in maths classes is one that I always rememebr, my teacher in most of high scool always hated me doing well in exams, mainly because I would sit around , er, surfing the web on yher pc or othwerise wasting time. She would always grin the day after an exam when shed found a single mark...
  15. K

    Enid-Raye on the Big Screen

    Yeah! And not only do I like the movies, I have the mysterious powers! *Scurrys off to beat up some generic looking ninjas using only the power of his fist and some bad sfx*
  16. K


    I must get round to printing out some of the many great sroties we get here for a read.
  17. K

    Somebody give this man a job!

    Heh, *Pulls out his handy Kaleb SDK* gimme a sec *flurry of programming* haha!
  18. K

    JMS speaks on features for season 2 & 3 DVD's.

    Re: JMS speaks on features for season 2 & 3 DVD\'s. Re shooting would seem a little OTT.
  19. K

    The Wurt

    I can't think exactly who they are right now, it'll doubtless com,e to me later.