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Search results

  1. A

    B5:IFH Cover ready for print

    you can download them here http://ifh.firstones.com/cgi-bin/forum/ikonboard.cgi?s=aee8b501c4ce97fd3a82092d2e588511;act=ST;f=1;t=293 if you want images before download. check the news at www.firstones.com or go directly to the ifh forum at http://ifh.firstones.com/
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    i sell my omega class modelkit

    i sell it again with a lower price http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3567419524
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    i sell my omega class modelkit

    hi all. i want to inform you that i sell a omega-class model kit :) so if you looking for a christmas gift for a babylon 5 fan or for yourself. go to my auction and take a look;) http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3564890191 good lick at bidding. ps: if you have questions...
  4. A

    request Video fro´m cannceled B5 Game "ITF"

    Re: request Video fro´m cannceled B5 Game \"ITF\" thanks but i know these paga a long time ( member at firstones.com froum ;) ) no other existing video's from the e3 or videos that show the game? from some gamemagazines ..?
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    request Video fro´m cannceled B5 Game "ITF"

    Re: request Video fro´m cannceled B5 Game \"ITF\" i have these trailer myself now.are ther no others. or video' from the presentation from the e3 back in 1997/1998 ?
  6. A

    request Video fro´m cannceled B5 Game "ITF"

    request Video fro´m cannceled B5 Game \"ITF\" Hello have someone the B5 Game trailer that was on the B5 guide CD on the Bonus disk? Or a Video about the Game from some Game mag's or a video from the E3 1997 / 1998 were the b5 game is menmtioned? if you have such video can you please contact...
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    season 4 releasedate and coverart

    quelle: http://www.tvshowsondvd.com/newsitem.cfm?NewsID=680 UPDATE: We have just gotten in the following list of supplements that will be on this set! Introduction to Babylon 5 - Season 4 by series creator J. Michael Straczynski 2 commentaries by series creator J. Michael Straczynski, one...
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    season 4 releasedate and coverart

    b5related-ML-221817-ML- Moved to "B5 Related" . JD
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    The Gathering - Making Of/BTS Special

    have posted this at the firstones.com forums. perhaps they can help.. i want to see that making of too;)
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    Babylon 5 Earth Alliance Uniform coat at ebay

    it is a replica. http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3333592453
  11. A

    Limited Hugh Fleming Babylon5 Poster on ebay

    http://cgi.ebay.de/ws....ory=785 It is the great Poster from Hugh Fleming, limites zu 10,000 units. see also http://www.hughfleming.com.au/Bab5.htm
  12. A

    IFH Chat Transcript

    IFH Chat Transcript it can be found here http://forums.firstones.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4532
  13. A

    Chat with IFH Devs IFH

    try one if these servers if the ifh irc channel doesn't work delfi.ircworld.org Jaanus 6666-6669 nss.ircworld.org kait 6666-6669 spawn.ircworld.org bz0r 6666-6669 zzz.ircworld.org KNs 6666-6669 zone.ircworld.org BBabba 6666-6669 2u.ircworld.org Romeo 6666-6669 services.ircworld.org - -...
  14. A

    B5:IFH - New Screenshots

    http://ifh.firstones.com/shots/june_2003/hyperion_ringstation01.jpg http://ifh.firstones.com/shots/june_2003/hyperion_ringstation02.jpg http://ifh.firstones.com/shots/june_2003/hyperion_ringstation03.jpg more at http://ifh.firstones.com/index.shtml
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    Chat with IFH Devs IFH

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    Chat with IFH Devs IFH

    Time changed to 20.00 GMT
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    Chat with IFH Devs IFH

    yes. but it is not a commercial game and the guys who make this have a real live and a job to do. better it come late and bug-free than never. :)
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    Chat with IFH Devs IFH

    The chat will be held on 7th of june at 1800GMT server address: irc.ircworld.org channel: #ifh
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    Chat with IFH Devs IFH

    hi all IFH is a freeware Babylon 5 game still in development. there will be a irc-based chat with the developers soon. if you have questions about this game, the chat is the chance to ask them:) The date and time for the chat will be released soon on their homegage http://ifh.firstones.com/...
  20. A

    reason for cropping live -action material found.

    hi all i think i fout the reason for the cropping of some sceenes at the first look these scenes have no cgi but this is not right. see here the screenshots i have attached at my posthing there from 05-27-2003 07:25 PM i hope it will explain it. here is the link...