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Chat with IFH Devs IFH


hi all
IFH is a freeware Babylon 5 game still in development.
there will be a irc-based chat with the developers soon.
if you have questions about this game, the chat is the chance to ask them:)

The date and time for the chat will be released soon on their homegage http://ifh.firstones.com/ were you can find some infos, trailer and screenshots about this game.


How long is this game supposed to be "in development" ? It's been "in development" for years, hasn't it?
How long is this game supposed to be "in development" ? It's been "in development" for years, hasn't it?

but it is not a commercial game and the guys who make this have a real live and a job to do. better it come late and bug-free than never.

I know. It's just that after awhile, I begin to wonder if it's ever going to come out of development and be released.
How long is this game supposed to be "in development" ? It's been "in development" for years, hasn't it?
Reminds me of "Duke Nukem Forever." Can you say vaporware? :)
We decided the accurate date and time for the chat. So... attention, please!

It will be held Saturday, 7th June, 20:00 GMT (with no DST - daylight saving time)

23:00 MST, 21:00 CET, 3:00 PM EST 12:00 PM PST

Expecting - Renderer, Andy LaRubin, Smasher, Cmdr. Akeen, Black Sheep, PuG, new modeller.

We will be glad to see you and to ask to your questions about our project.

Chat coordiantes:

IRC server: irc.ircworld.org (port 6667)
channel: #ifh

Till Saturday, people!
try one if these servers if the ifh irc channel doesn't work

delfi.ircworld.org Jaanus 6666-6669
nss.ircworld.org kait 6666-6669
spawn.ircworld.org bz0r 6666-6669
zzz.ircworld.org KNs 6666-6669
zone.ircworld.org BBabba 6666-6669
2u.ircworld.org Romeo 6666-6669
services.ircworld.org - -
stats.ircworld.org - -
hub.ircworld.org - -
ic.us.ircworld.org Stefan 6666-6669
se.eu.ircworld.org speedis 6666-6669
hub.eu.ircworld.org Aghor 6666-6669


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