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  1. KoshFan

    JMS: Saved by Superman

    Oooooooh! Aw, nuts.
  2. KoshFan

    It Was the Dawn of the Third Age of B5-Watching...

    The Ex was not as impressed with "The Deconstruction of Falling Stars" as I thought. Liked it as an episode but not as a season finale.
  3. KoshFan

    It Was the Dawn of the Third Age of B5-Watching...

    I forgot to keep you all posted here! And I don't have time tonight -- early morning tomorrow, and a long day ahead. But having just watched "Endgame" while reading the Ex's written commentary, I was highly amused: they kept saying, "This is all too easy! When's the other shoe going to drop?"...
  4. KoshFan

    JMS approved Chronological viewing order

    Sure. But that's not what he's saying.
  5. KoshFan

    EpDis: Midnight On The Firing Line

  6. KoshFan

    JMS approved Chronological viewing order

    He's also arguing that it's the only possible one because JMS says so. Which does seem pretty ironclad. Except authors can certainly be wrong about the minor points of their own work, however, and this is... really minor. It's times like these that call for invoking a higher authority...
  7. KoshFan

    Mark Oshiro watches Babylon 5

    I very much enjoyed his insights (although it still bugs me that he apparently missed a few crucial lines in "War Without End" and so has a very inaccurate idea of the future... which is a line that only makes sense in the context of B5, come to think of it...). I also liked what other people...
  8. KoshFan

    Mark Oshiro watches Babylon 5

    I don't know, I think Londo redeems himself -- at least partially. His alliance with G'Kar to take out Cartagia (although he misses the chance to save G'Kar's eye), his order to Vir to kill him to spare Centauri Prime... But I think most of the confusion stems from the ambiguity about when the...
  9. KoshFan

    Mark Oshiro watches Babylon 5

    My ex was certainly stunned by that. (We're still working our way through the show together -- we watched "Racing Mars" last week.)
  10. KoshFan

    Mark Oshiro watches Babylon 5

    Here are Mark's predictions for Season 3. He pretty much nailed it this time! I think he's learning.
  11. KoshFan

    Mark Oshiro watches Babylon 5

    From his review of "Comes the Inquisitor": He's figuring it out. With that attitude in mind, I can't wait to see what he has to say about "Fall of Night". Fortunately I won't have to wait long!
  12. KoshFan

    Babylon 5 XYZ : Website Opening

    That's a pretty site, Apsu! Very visually striking.
  13. KoshFan

    Mark Oshiro watches Babylon 5

    Yeah. The Narn response is both understandable and unwise. It's the difference between "By any means necessary" and "Kill Whitey".
  14. KoshFan

    Mark Oshiro watches Babylon 5

    Not to derail this thread, but for future reference: almost every argument along those lines is rooted in having different definitions of the word "racism" and not really realizing it. And now, back on topic! From Oshiro's review of "Hunter, Prey": Which one? B5 essentially drops the entire...
  15. KoshFan

    Mark Oshiro watches Babylon 5

    He's a Talia/Ivanova shipper for sure.
  16. KoshFan

    Mark Oshiro watches Babylon 5

    If Sheridan & Co. had treated Lyta with more respect, she could have shut Byron down. And honestly, if Byron had just gone and talked with Delenn first...
  17. KoshFan

    Mark Oshiro watches Babylon 5

    I like his analysis of Sheridan. Sheridan's ability to question himself is a recurring theme in Season 2 -- first his capacity in "There All the Honor Lies" and (much more subtly) in "All Alone in the Night," then his inability to see he might be wrong in "In the Shadow of Z'ha'dum." Now that...
  18. KoshFan

    Mark Oshiro watches Babylon 5

    His Season 2 predictions are remarkably accurate, with a few glaring exceptions:
  19. KoshFan

    Mark Oshiro watches Babylon 5

    Oh, wow. Of course -- and I never saw that either. Perhaps because Psi Corps becomes allied with the Shadows later? Threw us off a bit. I wonder how many other little microcosms there are?
  20. KoshFan

    Mark Oshiro watches Babylon 5

    Y'know, he's seeing a lot on his first pass that I hadn't noticed until later, or ever. Take this: I'd always heard that line and thought, "Okay, I guess those are worse crimes, sure..." But because he's been talking about the problems on Earth so much, he spotted something I hadn't and...