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  1. L

    If Claudia stayed for S5...

    Re: Ivanova in Crusade (Spoilers for B5 S4/5) Yeah, that's pretty much what I meant and Joe D said more clearly. The General Ivanova in SiL has obviousily had a long military career she doesn't care much more (at least not anymore) so presumably things would have happened after B5. I too...
  2. L

    Babylon Squared

    Well it mostly Humans who stole it ... they just gave it to the Minbari. Had that "Possession is 9/10th of the law" idea been invented by the 1200's on Earth?
  3. L

    The V(orlon)-Files

    Didn't she specifically say "This is all we have." or something like that ... which would be a complete lie (unless she argues she's stretching the truth that it's all she had with her at the moment) and I don't see an excuse she was saving someone's honar.
  4. L

    In the Beginning question

    Anyone wish to speculate what would have happened had the Grey Council Fleet reached Z'ha'dum? Do they think their stealth technology is enough to hide from detection by the Shadows? It seems they would have had to look pretty closely (especially back then) to find any evidence of Shadows -...
  5. L

    If Claudia stayed for S5...

    Re: Ivanova in Crusade (Spoilers for B5 S4/5) Wasn't there some speculation that she'd be in "Crusade" at some point commanding her Warlock class ship (if they could get the actress)? Now, I know she got the ship at the end of season 4 as a way to write her out of the show, but I can't believe...
  6. L

    Dialogue I'd like to hear

    Re: Dialogue I\'d like to hear And he's here all week, ladies and gentl-sentients!
  7. L

    Girfriend & B5

    It wasn't exactly a woman who got me hooked into B5 but it did help. I was introduced to a girl whose favorite TV shows were B5, X-Files, and TNG. I was already starting to get into B5 (but not seriousily) and I had been into TNG for years. We had alot to talk about via Star Trek and she...
  8. L

    Chrysalis question...possible spoilers

    Maybe Jack was careless. Garabaldi wasn't suppose to discover what was up so I don't think Jack planned ever attacking him. B5 was still (at this point) not considered very important by many in Earth - especially by the bigot Clarke. A secret assassination made-to-look-like-an-accident by...
  9. L

    Girfriend & B5

    Wow! It must be true love! Loaning out the precious B5 rings, er discs! MGKE must really trust this woman.
  10. L

    Map of the B5 galaxy?

    Agents of Gaming's "Babylon 5: Wars" (the minitures game) has a map - which they admit can't be perfectly accurate since it's 2D. But it has most of the major systems - including many of the Legue - and the major non-First Ones races. As well as major hyperspace routs. Now, I won't say it's...
  11. L


    You'd need to grab a few ... who knows what region encoded player they use in the other timeframe. R1, R2, R4, Rn^x
  12. L

    Kosh - "I have always been here"

    Re: Kosh - \"I have always been here\" Then again, I'm sure Kosh would walk away from the confused youth laughing to himself inside his eccounter suit. <Kosh> That was good, I'll have to write that one down. They'll be pondering that for years! </Kosh>
  13. L

    G'Kar question

    Re: G\'Kar question I don't have much to add about why G'kar can speak Minbari ... but I have a suggestion to why he was a Kha'ri sent to B5. We don't know exactly about the Narn system of government but there are many members of the Kha'ri. According to a short story by JMS, there are...
  14. L

    Brady Bunch Movies

    So what exactly is Satan's last name then?
  15. L

    An evening with Claudia Christian

    She has a aural fixation (yeah, I know, bad joke, but I'm still coming from doing a "Rocky Horror" show this weekend) and we have a fetish for her. It all works.
  16. L

    Reflections on the Vorlon

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /> Reflections of the Vorlon *Kosh looks into a mirror* Kosh: <musical chimes> Lyta, does this enounter suit make me look fat? <musical chimes>
  17. L

    where was Zach during the Day of the Dead?

    Re: Lay off of Zach! </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /> Yeah, like cruising for chicks with John Travolta in 1950's America... I still want to see Zack singing "Quantum 40 Lightning!" while dancing around a Starfury.
  18. L


    Well don't worry, Lennier ... the Minbari might draw their maps with south pointing upward - there's nothing special about northern magnetism verses southern (not even counting that they switch). In fact, if there is more ice covering the north, more Minbari might have lived and developed...
  19. L

    Shadows and Minbari

    So if Morden had every intention of telling his Earth contacts that no one of the other races knew anything concrete about the Shadows, what would have happened if Endawi had returned with someone's confession of knowledge of them? Did Morden predect the responses of the ambassadors that well...
  20. L

    where was Zach during the Day of the Dead?

    Re: Neil Gaiman Heh, "Don't Panic" ... "And you're ... what?" "A Kamakazi pilot, sir!" "And how many missions have you been on?" "Nineteen, sir!"