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Girfriend & B5

It wasn't exactly a woman who got me hooked into B5 but it did help. I was introduced to a girl whose favorite TV shows were B5, X-Files, and TNG. I was already starting to get into B5 (but not seriousily) and I had been into TNG for years. We had alot to talk about via Star Trek and she happily recapped what I had missed on previous seasons of B5. Yeah, those were fun times ... of course the girl was a complete nut case who broke my heart ... but she had good taste. ^_^
B5 can be liked by almost anyone. I'm still working on a friend who is a 'Doctor Who' nut, but the closet fan in my houshold is my Mother.

It basically stems from the fact that when I am watching videos, she often happens to sit down with her tea and watch as well. She won't admit it, but she got very worried about Zack in season three, and she knows who the characters are, even if she can't always remember their names. The Shadows are 'those wierd looking ships' for example.

She's also a fan of Willow in Buffy. Not bad for a 61 year old woman.
In my own experience, I've known precious few people to be as...."hardcore" in my love for B5, male or female. I'd just like to know someone who'll have an intelligent conversation with me about the show (which is why I'm on the 'boards, right? <grin>), or any other SF, for that matter.

The only woman to like the show as much as I did was my then-girlfriend-later-wife-later-ex (don't ask <smirk>), who I converted. She knew she'd never get me away from watching and taping the premier run. She started in S3, then picked up along as the series went. When the final episode aired, she was crying halfway through. Mostly because of the story--it *is* that good!--and partly because there ain't no more B5. (Me, it was half an hour *after the show ended* before I choked up, and for the same reasons.)

Since then, it's been hard for me to find like-minded people. My current girlfriend *sorta* likes Enterprise, loves Buffy, and...tolerates my desire to attend 'cons and my love for the rest of SF. But on Sundays, it's NASCAR she watches, and I..."tolerate" it. <another grin> (But I'm getting hooked, little by little. Does that make me a traitor?) Her family, though, can not, *will not* be disturbed during Enterprise, though. I guess the gene skipped a conception....<beckoning a lab-man> "Can we get some DNA testing here?"

Just my two cents'...
Geez, am I really that rare in the world? /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

I am way more fanatic about B5/JMS than my husband who was a fan before I was. I even drag him to cons and frequent a B5 board. Neither of which he minds. /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif

I am not supermodel hot or anything close to it but I am certainly no dog either. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
I've been introducing B5 to my girlfriend since I got the DVDs. She was hooked by about the 3rd disc /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif Whenever we have nothing to do, she will always suggest watching the next ep - ah, life is sweet /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

What was even more surprising is that both her parents are big fans of the show too...
So she has inherited the "likes scifi"-gene, which was recently discovered, and exists mainly in males /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Just wanted to say that I got a girlfriend who loves sci-fi, hardcore fan of B5 and... well she's great.

Whats my point?
I a lucky man :)

Other then that: there are girls who love B5 or sc-fi in general
so don't feel so bad u all :)

<---newbie. lurked for awhile. hello all.

i am female. i am fairly attractive. i love sci-fi/fandom in general.

i am far more hardcore about b5 than my hubby. for him, b5 is a great show; for me, it's a roadmap of life. it sounds lame and vaguely obsessive, but it's the way i am. we own an anime store, and there are advantages of doing so, such as getting the b5 box set way before street date.

i used to ask three questions to any prospective guy i dated: who are you, what do you want, and do you know the allusion.

there are plenty of women out there who are into sci-fi. just gotta get out and look. go to conventions (best place to meet people in general) or your local book store in the sci-fi section. i met my hubby at an anime club meeting.
Been there, done that. Boy, the crap I copped from the female members of my family for my diehard appreciation of B5. As a result, I didn't dare tell any of my girlfriends that I loved B5. But one of my girlfriends, who is now my wife absolutely loves B5. The question here is: How did I manage to meet a female sci-fi fan whilst training at the gym? Lucky I am, yes. I just recently had a little baby girl and now she too sits down with Dad to watch B5. Hope the luck keeps coming.

Make sure you play some videogames with her, too. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif Seriously, I'd love for more women to play games, that way I don't have guys mocking me when I say I'm a videogame nut. "Oh, you play videogames, sweetie? Like what? Barbie Goes to Camp?"
I hope you smack them hard after saying that to you. Hrmf, the nerve!

*wishes she had more time to play Grand Theft Auto 3*
My reply was "Oh, are there 41 Barbie PS2 games?"

GTA3? You haven't got Vice City yet? *pushes $50 in Lyta's hand* Get down to a store!
I'm female and I like playing pc/video games. I wouldn't say I'm a nut but I like it more than most women.
Heh, once again my geek filled college skews my vision of the world; I know many girls who play video games and are as much addicts as the guys. In fact I seemed to have ended up in the gaming circle (even though I'm not nearly as much of a gamer) and often things like B5 and other SF get pushed aside for the games. *sigh* I would have thought I'd find more B5 fans at my school ... plenty my first year (though they all either graduated or transfered) and only minor fans later years ......
It's on my hubby's wish list for the holidays. /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif He buys the games. I just play them. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Girlfriends and B5............. to sum up, its a good problem to have /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif (wish I did.)
Well, the ol' lady said she watched "most of the first episode" and didn't like it.

The attempt at conversion has failed.

As if I didn't have doubts about this relationship already... /forums/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif