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  1. B

    J.M.S. Updates and Blows Off Some Steam....

    made that mistake myself when I posted the topic "Ideas for new B5 movies/series". I had forgotten all about the 'Gethesmane' business, and certainly didn't realise how legally messy it could get. So, no more ideas on an open channel ------------------
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    Catherine Sakai-Spoilers

    Yeah, I'd like to know how Sinclair and Catherine Sakai found each other again. And what her reaction would have been when she discovered that her fiance was now a Minbari! I don't think that the relatives that Lennier lost onThe Black Star were necessarily Warrior Caste. The war against the...
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    Catherine Sakai-Spoilers

    Funny, I posted a topic discussion some time back, titled Who was Valen's Wife?. It might still be there in the archives somewhere. It asked pretty much the same question, and whether the woman Valen/Sinclair married, was Catherine Sakai? I think that it probably was - or maybe, I should like...
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    Ideas for Future B5 Movies and Series

    I had forgotten about that business withPassing Through Gethesmene. So, okay. perhaps my idea wasn't such a good one. I'd still like to see the series/movies I suggested, but I know that they'll probably never get made. A shame. Oh well - we had five years of B5, four soon to be five movies...
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    Ideas for Future B5 Movies and Series

    Right, I know that the idea for a film/series about the Teep War has been touted quite a lot. Good idea - it's something that I would like to see - whether on the big screen or the tv screen. But here are one or two other ideas. ABabylon 4 series/movie. Okay, we got the graphic novel In...
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    Lyta and Gkar?

    Some of the chronology of B5 is slightly off. I've tried to find out when various events took place, and have gotten conflicting dates. As for the Earth-MInbari War it is possible to come to a tentative, if not definite date as to when it started. InSic Transit Vir the voice of Ivanova's...
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    Sheridan And His Amazing Hair

    G'Kar of the Kha Ri's comments about Sheridan's hair brought to mind something that I had forgotten. I suppose this should be called 'Dead Man's Haircut' When Sheridan first came to B5, his hair was quite short, but he allowed it to grow in the third season. When Sheridan left for Z'ha'dum, he...
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    Sheridan And His Amazing Hair

    G'Kar of the Kha Ri's comments about Sheridan's hair brought to mind something that I had forgotten. I suppose this should be called 'Dead Man's Haircut' When Sheridan first came to B5, his hair was quite short, but he allowed it to grow in the third season. When Sheridan left for Z'ha'dum, he...