G'Kar of the Kha Ri's comments about Sheridan's hair brought to mind something that I had forgotten. I suppose this should be called 'Dead Man's Haircut'
When Sheridan first came to B5, his hair was quite short, but he allowed it to grow in the third season. When Sheridan left for Z'ha'dum, he had reasonably long hair for a military officer. It was still long when he jumped into the abyss. HOWEVER! When Sheridan returns to B5 in 'The Summoning' - it's short! Was Lorien in addition to being a First One, also a hairdresser? Was there a hairdresser on his ship? Or did Sheridan take the time to take a visit to a hairdresser's in the Zocalo before going to try and calm down that angry mob?
As for Sheridan's hair going gray, that kind of makes sense. He's not only come back from the dead, he's also under a great deal of strain. let's face it, he goes from Earthforce captain, to B5 governor, to rebel, dies, comes back from the dead, is captured and tortured, becomes President of the Interstellar Alliance - all in a three year period! Quite a lot for anyone to handle - not to mention fighting the Shadow War, falling in love with a Minbari, and getting married. And Sheridan's only got another twenty years - Lorien's energy can keep him alive, but his ordeal at Z'ha'dum may have gone a long way towards aging Sheridan.
Speaking of hair - I noticed with interest Delenn's evolving hairstyles. When she first appears in the B5 Council Chamber in 'Revelations' she's got her newly acquired hair in a kind of chignon or plait.
Who did her hair? We're never told - and I doubt whether there'd be too many hairdressers among the Minbari. If Delenn had sought advice from a hairdresser on B5 [you can bet that there's got to be at least one] wouldn't they have told her how to look after her hair? Instead, she asks a somewhat bemused Ivanova for advice, and it's pretty clear that Delenn hasn't the faintest idea of what to do with her hair. It seems that she's been washing her hair in bleach or something similar. And then there's the matter of the hair-rollers. Hair-rollers in the 23rd century? Ouch! You'd think that someone whould have come up with something less painful by then. And who taught Delenn to plait her hair and put it up in that chignon? Not Ivanova Okay, it's a trivial question - but I can't have been the only one to have wondered.