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  1. B

    Did ya get any b5 for christmas?

    I did not get B5 for Christmas. However, I did get some money for Christmas, and after thinking about what to do with it, I decided to get a double DVD feature of In the Beginning/The Gathering . I ordered it through a record store, and went into town to pick it up today. I was on my way...
  2. B

    Reproduction in Psi-Corps

    Psi-Corps probably wouldn't be happy about it. That does not mean to say that they would not be interested in the babies that result from those unplanned pregnancies. The unborn baby might not be what they planned for - it if it is a telepath, it still would be of interest to the Corps, and...
  3. B

    Reproduction in Psi-Corps

    I always thought that the woman who was forcibly impregnated was not actually physically raped - ie that no physical contact between her and the father of her baby actually took place. I had always assumed that she was taken somewhere and artificially imseminated, and then put back in bed. Of...
  4. B

    Wizard of Earthsea (Sci Fi channel pertrayal)

    I haven't seen it either - and it could be a long time before it gets to my country. But I have been on another website where there are people have seen it, and I have read LeGuin's own reaction to it. To sum it up. Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! And from what I have read, that was pretty much my own...
  5. B

    Old Navy commercials & other random annoyances

    There's a range of clothes called Banana Republic ? I guess that we don't have this 'Old Navy" here. Just what are they? Okay - confession time - I've never really taken much notice of clothing brands. One, because I simply cannot afford expensive clothes - some of them cost more than I...
  6. B

    FahrenHYPE 9/11: my impression

    A few months back, there was a bit of a fuss because Walmart was carrying The Protocols of the Elders of Zion for sale. ADL Welcomes Removal of Anti-Semtic Book Anti-Semtic Book Sold by Website Make of it what you will.
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    The next Superman has been cast

    Dean Cain Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman had brown eyes. Infact - he's half Japanese.
  8. B

    ROTK: Extended Edition Release Date

    An ROTK-EE trailer has come out. You can download it here. SPOILER ALERT!!! SOME SPOILERS!!! IF YOU WANT TO BE SURPRISED - DON'T GO HERE!!! Click 'right mouse' and go down to 'save as' Or you can see it here. See ROTK Trailer Go to the top left of the page, and click 'new video'...
  9. B

    ROTK: Extended Edition Release Date

    Some of you guys may already have seen these, but there are some very large hi-resolution pictures out. WARNING!!!! MINOR SPOILERS!!! ROTK_EE Pictures
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    ROTK: Extended Edition Release Date

    The "Scourging of the Shire" was never even filmed. However, PJ did make an allusion to it in FOTR, when Frodo looks in Galadriel's mirror.
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    ROTK: Extended Edition Release Date

    I don't know if any of you have heard about this yet; but a date has been announced for the release of "The Return of the King: Special Extended Edition" Rumours have variously had it as being December 7 or 14. It's December 14. ROTK_EE Details And here are the details here. Okay ...
  12. B

    Fahrenheit 9/11 (SPOILERS)

    I've read Lying Liars - it was one of the first books that I read when I started getting interested in American politics. I laughed like Hell - especially at the "Operation Chickenhawk" chapter. I know what you mean about MM being a bit mean sometimes. I've just finished watching the second...
  13. B

    Fahrenheit 9/11 (SPOILERS)

    The top five movies at the Box Office this week in NZ Even in far away NZ, people are interested in "Fahrenheit 9/11" It seems to be a common tactic that if people don't like someone or their ideas, you attack their appearance. I did a bit of a chuckle about MM being scruffy. Our own...
  14. B

    Fahrenheit 9/11 (SPOILERS)

    Wouldn't most of the men who have ever been President of the US qualify as 'spoiled brats'? Okay, there are exceptions. I know that Clinton came from comparatively humble circumstances; And of course, there is the most famous example of all - Lincoln. But others such as Franlin Roosevelt - he...
  15. B

    Fahrenheit 9/11 (SPOILERS)

    I don't know if this helps, but I did find this. US Supreme Court
  16. B

    Fahrenheit 9/11 (SPOILERS)

    Thanks - your government doesn't actually sound all that much bigger than the NZ government, considering that America is a bit bigger than NZ. Here, we have two main parties, Labour and National. Labour is tradtionally socialist in its politics, although it has become much more...
  17. B

    Fahrenheit 9/11 (SPOILERS)

    I've read the article since my last post here. I heard on the radio today what the top five films at the Boxoffice in NZ are. Fahrenheit 9/11 was ranked fifth. Normally, a documentrary film would have gone to the arthouse circuit [yes, we have them too], but both the two main cinema chains...
  18. B

    Fahrenheit 9/11 (SPOILERS)

    I read a headline somewhere that Fahrenheit 9/11 has been banned in Kuwait. I saw 9/11 yesterday. I didn't expect that many people would go and see it. It was a mid-afternoon, weekday session, and quite often you're lucky if you get four or five people in the cinema for those sessions. [I...
  19. B

    Fahrenheit 9/11 (SPOILERS)

    I heard the story about Colin Powell. My mother saw it in TV and thought it was a joke of some kind. But, I don't think that the Bushies have that great a sense of humour. And in all fairness I should say that while we don't have our politicians doing song and dance routines in national telly...
  20. B

    Fahrenheit 9/11 (SPOILERS)

    I had heard the story about the curtains - they cost $8000 - they must have been made of beaten gold. I had also heard the story about the tortoishell cats [our word for calico]. I thought maybe they were one of those 'only in America' stories that get about. But there's certainly some rather...