What is up with the Old Navy commercials? Do they actually want people to buy their clothes, or are they on a misguided mission of global annoyance?
I've actually been in need of some new clothes recently, and have had to "settle" on a few shirts from Sears & JC Penneys that I only partially liked (the budget factor forced the compromise). I've actually been tempted to go the Old Navy store while passing between Sears & JC Penneys in the mall. But, then I remember the Old Navy commercials, and I can't bring myself to enter the store, much less give them money.
And is Old Navy really doing that much business that their employees have to wear mic-headsets like they're part of NASA flight control in Houston? I mean are they selling jeans and sweaters, or are they monitoring the space shuttle?
And, speaking of mic-headsets, or whatever they're called, even Jimmy Swaggert is using one. First, Old Navy employees, then questionable TV evangelists.
Why don't we all just have cell phone parts implanted in our skulls so that we can automatically communicate with whatever electronic devices we dial into. Then, if we arrange for multi-line conference calls with each others' brains, it will be just like we're all telepathic, and we can communicate with each other over a variety of mediums at all times.
And, speaking of cell phones, am I the only human in the civilized world who doesn't own one. Is it wrong of me to not want to be reached at any given time?
Wow, that Old Navy commercial must have touched a nerve. Maybe I just need to go to bed. More fiber in the diet perhaps?
I've actually been in need of some new clothes recently, and have had to "settle" on a few shirts from Sears & JC Penneys that I only partially liked (the budget factor forced the compromise). I've actually been tempted to go the Old Navy store while passing between Sears & JC Penneys in the mall. But, then I remember the Old Navy commercials, and I can't bring myself to enter the store, much less give them money.
And is Old Navy really doing that much business that their employees have to wear mic-headsets like they're part of NASA flight control in Houston? I mean are they selling jeans and sweaters, or are they monitoring the space shuttle?
And, speaking of mic-headsets, or whatever they're called, even Jimmy Swaggert is using one. First, Old Navy employees, then questionable TV evangelists.
Why don't we all just have cell phone parts implanted in our skulls so that we can automatically communicate with whatever electronic devices we dial into. Then, if we arrange for multi-line conference calls with each others' brains, it will be just like we're all telepathic, and we can communicate with each other over a variety of mediums at all times.
And, speaking of cell phones, am I the only human in the civilized world who doesn't own one. Is it wrong of me to not want to be reached at any given time?
Wow, that Old Navy commercial must have touched a nerve. Maybe I just need to go to bed. More fiber in the diet perhaps?