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  1. Chilli

    So...what is everybody reading now? (part Deux)

    In Austria, it'd mostly confuse people.
  2. Chilli

    So...what is everybody reading now? (part Deux)

    IRL. Lord of the Rings is one franchise that has, in the past, been ruined for me by its fans. Specifically, classmates of mine at the time. When they saw a copy of the Fellowship in my bag, they start asking me EVERY. DAY. "So how many pages have you read???" "Have you met Tom Bombadil yet???"...
  3. Chilli

    So...what is everybody reading now? (part Deux)

    Trying to read Lord of the Rings again. Hope inane douchebags won't spoil it for me again.
  4. Chilli

    RIP Farrah Fawcett

    .. possibly/probably.
  5. Chilli

    Star Trek (SPOILERS)

  6. Chilli

    Star Trek (SPOILERS)

    To have topics actually focusing on sexual topics, and to have a place where you can post stuff you don't want people seeing over your back when you're at work. Like pictures of naked people.
  7. Chilli

    Star Trek (SPOILERS)

    B5TV is a website dedicated to a show which was hardly for children. As such, little children have no business, and no reason, to be reading threads here, any discussion on the show this whole board is about will be unsuitable for kids by default, and it's not something posters need to think...
  8. Chilli

    Stupidity: Reboot "Buffy The Vampire Slayer"

    Now *that* is stupid.
  9. Chilli

    Star Trek (SPOILERS)

    Whatever it was, it was fictional. Here's the Wikipedia Article on Flight 19. Regarding wreckage which has been found:
  10. Chilli

    Terminator Judgment Day

    Sure you mean Judgement Day, and not Salvation?
  11. Chilli

    Star Trek (SPOILERS)

    Can't find anything about this on Google.
  12. Chilli

    The Changeling?

    It's fantastic. Not fun, but it's not supposed to be that. I found it quite powerful all around - and I don't even like Angelina Jolie.
  13. Chilli

    Star Trek (SPOILERS)

    As I understand it, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse are fully in charge of Lost at this point - Abrams hasn't got involved much for some time.
  14. Chilli

    SPOILER thoughts on Matrix Reloaded

    I wouldn't know, I didn't bother to go to see that one. But even the militant apologists for Matrix II in my circle of friends claimed that III sucked beyond words.
  15. Chilli

    SPOILER thoughts on Matrix Reloaded

    And the movie still sucks.
  16. Chilli


    Re: New Joss Whedon show Didn't see that one coming. Good news, though - I've been rather ambivalent to the show in the latter half of the season, not really finding myself very engaged by the story arc or by any of the mysteries. But it's had rather decent standalone plots, great acting, and...
  17. Chilli

    Star Trek (SPOILERS)

    Nothing of any interest, recently. No idea what is wanking Crazyhorse or Galahad. :confused:
  18. Chilli

    Star Trek (SPOILERS)

    All the wank formerly found in this thread is now in the Rants forum. Any new wank to enter this thread will go there too. :p
  19. Chilli

    Wizard Magazine's "25 Greatest Sci-Fi Shows Ever"

    .. which you started. ;) And the internet is a lot more than the few webpages, forums and blogs folks like us browse around on. With 4 out of 5 people in industrialized nations using the internet, you're kidding yourself if you think the geeks and nerds are dominant once you leave websites...
  20. Chilli

    Star Trek (SPOILERS)

    He did do a good job at mocking his accent. Which made me wonder why they went to such efforts to hire a Russian. :lol: .. the most retarded thing was when they were showing him struggling to pronounce "V". Here's the thing .. Russians DO get W and V mixed up occasionally. This is because...